Month: July 2017

I Love Shipt!

Welcome to the future ladies and gentlemen… I ordered my groceries from Shipt! Use my link and get $10 back when you sign up! via @Shipt

True Words Even Though They Are Not Mine

An Empowering Way to Respond to Hurtful People


It’s Prime day… And some great deals abound for we the booklovers


A Quote to Remind us all of the Power of Words… Especially When it Comes to Those we Love

“What is that old children’s rhyme, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’? Anyone who says that doesn’t understand the power of words. They can cut deeper than any knife, hit harder than any fist, touch parts of you that nothing physical will ever reach, and the wounds that some words leave never heal, because each time the word is thrown at you, labeled on you, you bleed afresh from it. It’s more like a whip that cuts every time, until you feel it must flay the very skin from your bones, and yetoutwardly there is no wound to show the world, so they think you are not hurt, when inside part of you dies every time.”” Laurell K Hamilton, A Shiver of Light Book 9 of the Merry Gentry Series


Random Thoughts some will be of Great Importance, others not so much… 

Fist, an apology of sorts.  I went radio silent for the last little bit of time.  There are many reasons for this, but I am only going to bore you with a few of them:

1. I went on a trip with my deceased husband’s family.  We do this every year since Jerome died.   We all go somewhere for a week-his parents and grandparents, Me and my girls, his brother and his wife and kids and his sister and her husband.  For the past two  years we have been  going to a remote home in the smoky mountains, which is in a gully, beside a river.  But there is no cell service and internet is only available from midnight to 5 am.  So I wasn’t able to publish anything… I did a lot of reading and will be catching up on reviews here really soon. 

2.  I have had some family drama and my head space has been an ugly place to be in and I didn’t want to taint anyone else

3.  I asked for help with seo and this was a huge mistake on my part.  I have been flooded with calls and emails yelling me how awful my sight was and how they needed to fix it.  For an exorbitant price.  And after explaining what I envisioned for the website over and over to people who just couldn’t get it through their heads that I am  not an expert commerce site.  I would be thrilled if anyone clicked to give me a coffee or a PayPal donation, both of those links are in here somewhere. 

4.  I have been drifting a bit and lost focus on  what I was doing with this site.  And I have been watching with a morbid fascination as a publishing house baffles and confuses a loyal group of fans for a major author.  It’s like someone read the cliff notes version of the series, randomly selected a Character to be the second main character in a long running and popular book series.  And it’s not even in all the books, this second main chatacter.  I think you guys all know who and what I am talking about, if not here is a big clue, she recently scrapped her release for 2017 and told her fans it will be sometime in 2018 before book is out. 

I think from what I’ve read in blog posts that there is a mismatch between the editor (who has  recently come onto the scene) and the author.  At least that’s what it seems like to me.  And I have seen this particular publishing house do something similar to one of my favorite authors to talk about, Karen Chance. 

But now for the good News! Karen Chance released a new Dorina Book, Lover’s Knot.  She had been issuing it a chapter at a time but now the full book is out and available as a freebie on amazon and smashwords… So what are you waiting for.. Go get it..! 


Buy this Special Edition and Support an Awesome Writer!

Hello My friends…This is one of my favorite authors and I hope you will help her out by buying this special edition…
I also have a little secret I’ve been keeping…You might just recognize the character Elizabeth, HMMMM wonder if she could be based on a certain Elizabeth who loves these books as much as I do…
From recent newsletter…
News from Shiloh
Kit’s Five
Blade Song – Special Edition
Kit was introduced to the world five years ago.
HBA few months ago, a special group of readers helped me introduce Damon’s side of the story. When I started the Patreon platform, the original intent was that the short stories written for my patrons would be specifically for them.
A few months ago, my life was very much different.
Not only has my father moved in with me, but my sister in law and two of her kids have moved in with us.
My household has…well, grown exponentially, while my income has dropped. As many of you know, Samhain Publishing and Ellora’s Cave are no longer in business and I’ve yet to sell another trilogy so funds are…tight.
I talked things over with the readers who have opted to become patrons, because I started bouncing an idea around.
Kit’s five, after all. (And what a mouthy five year old she is…). It should be celebrated.
I had this story that other readers would probably enjoy. But it wouldn’t be out without the support of my patrons.
My patrons told me, emphatically, to do what I needed to do. So…that’s what I’m doing.
Viola. A special edition of Blade Song.
The special edition is available at the current price of $2.99 only through the link below.
The book includes Blade Song, and a snazzy new cover.
Buy now
The book set, as mentioned, will be loaded to other platforms this summer, but the price may be a bit higher as other platforms will, naturally, take their cut.
The stories included:
A Stroke of Dumb Luck
Bladed Magic
Blade Song
Proceed with Caution
Proceed with Caution isn’t a story, per se. It’s a collection of deleted scenes, character POVs and odd snippets that I’ve had tucked into various places. One of the deleted scenes is two chapters long and has never been seen by anybody.
Buy now