Breaking News About Micah in Anita Blake Series
So….I am posting here a conversation between myself a Jess, Laurell K Hamilton’s Media Minion. Jess often answers posts for Laurell and her words are Canon
Have a question from rereading Affliction…It makes reference to Micah’smom being mixed race, so what is Micah’s race? Here is the reference I am referring to “Micah’s mom was in the hallway being comforted by Gonzales. She was crying, and for a second I feared the worst. My stomach tightened with dread, but I squared my shoulders and kept walking forward; no retreat, no surrender.
Domino spoke low beside me. ‘Who is that?’
I answered, sort of under my breath, ‘Micah’s mom.’
‘Really?’ he said.
I glanced up at him but couldn’t read his expression with his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. He didn’t exactly look happy, though; I hadn’t thought about the whole mixed-race thing being an issue for anyone. If anyone was going to have an issue it would be the clan weretigers, but Domino with his own mixed heritage hadn’t been my pick for being bothered by it.” Affliction, Laurell K Hamilton
This is a serious question..please answer
Micah is also of mixed race. -Media Minion
Micah is part African American through his mother’s side of the family. -Media Minion