Tag: Basarab

Reread Nirvana

So, I’ve decided to like what I like.  Rather than looking for new Authors and series, I’m going back to my old favorites and boy am I loving it!  I have done 2 Anita Blake rereads and have a totally different take on the series since there is no pressure to find out what happens.  I flew through Merry Gentry in 3 days.  And I found myself revisiting Lauren Dane’s Goddess with a Blade series.  Then I read the new paranormal series from Lauren Dane-Diablo Lake.  And now I just reread Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer and Dorina Basarab series.  WOW, I loved spending time with Cassie and Dory.  It’s amazing that all these authors have created complex worlds for us to explore and there are so many similarities but each series has a totally different take.