Tag: Black Dagger Brotherhood


Do y’all think the brotherhood thinks Murhder is dead? Or do they know he’s out there wildin??

Im pretty sure they think he killed himself after he lost Xhex

Black Dagger Brotherhood The Chosen Book 15 is out on Tuesday!!!!

Xcor and Layla


Best and the Worst of Books

I’m concerned.  I’m confused.  I don’t get it at all.  I have a number of authors that I follow religiously.  I use FictFact (www.fictfact.com) to keep track of my series and the release dates.  I know a bunch of other people are buying the books too.  But some of my favorite authors are facing a publishing crisis.  Someone has decided that paranormal romance is dead.  I want to know who that is-I have bunches of receipts to prove it isn’t!  Urban fantasy is on a downswing and fantasy is dead.  That isn’t the case with my friends and to be honest I am absolutely not going to let it happen! So whoever has decided that paranormal shouldn’t be published hasn’t looked at the right numbers or in the right places!  And nothing hurts quite so much as a story unfinished!
