Tag: marco

Goddess by Comsat Angels


Chanceverse Graphics Request – Cassie + Song Lyrics for @windsurfingthroughhell

Goddess by Comsat Angels

And I fall every time
She’s staring at the sky
Almost a sacrifice
Got nature on her side

Some Thoughts on Cassie

So, I got two of my friends who read the same kind of stuff that I do to start the Karen Chance books.  And they, of course love them…But, they are working their way slowly though them.  They have almost caught up to the reread. They obviously don’t compulsively read like I do.  I swear to g-d text to speech was an evil invention.  I used to have to put the book down to do things like brush my teeth, wash my hair, or cook.  Now, I have headphones or a stupid bluetooth speaker.  Although it does allow my children to get more regular meals that DO NOT revolve around Laurell K Hamilton or Karen Chance’s publishing schedule…

So, I keep getting these hysterical texts as things happen in the Cassie Palmer world.  From random questions to OMG.  And of late, I’ve been getting a lot of the OMG variety.  They have gotten to the geis and the trip to Fairie.  And then to the final duel with Dracula.  And I found myself laughing last night at the following text:

OMG Bram Stoker was a Human Servant! WTF! Then, awww so the incubus waited all that time for Dracula? How sweet

My response to the last was Have you ever read Dracula? OK, not sure where I was going with all that…Just chalk it up to my random tangent

But back to my original message, or at least thought.  Cassie is not a victim. Sometimes, we forget that she ran away at 14 and returned, of her own volition, to make Tony pay.  And then lived in a house with Vampires while she worked tirelessly to destroy what Tony loved most: his money.  And hid it.  And then ran with government protection.  She survived the death of her governess.  and then ran successfully for three years.  I gotta say, she’s got some chops.  That’s at the beginning.

She’s got a voice and she learns to use it.  Everyone wants control of her, but somehow, she ends up with a family that includes everyone from the crazy incubus Cassanova to Marco to Pritkin to, yes, Mircea!  She takes the guards who come to her and makes them HERS.  Cassie is never going to be Agnes.  Agnes was raised in the system and a part of it.  And her life was compartmentalized, even though she fell in love with her body guard, Jonas.  and oh what a love that must have been-  Ley line racing and trips though time.  But when we see Agnes in other times, she’s alone.  And a secret pregnancy to boot!  Cassie knows how to hide.  She knows how to run.  She knows how to win. 

Yes, she sometimes gets buffeted by the strong winds of the personalities around her.  And remember, we are in her head.  And sometimes we get her insecurities bleeding through.  But no matter what comes, she copes as best she can.  And that’s better than 99% of the population!  She learns, she quietly assimilates.  She fucking conquers!  Her life is messy.  I can’t see her making her life fit in boxes.  I can’t see her without Mircea’s family, which is becoming hers.  I have this image in my head of some of the mansions in Vegas.  The really awesome ones that have every possible luxury and themed bedrooms.  Almost like an MTV tricked out house for Real World.  But I can’t see Cassie, Tami and the kids from the schools living quietly in the suburbs with a mixed security force of vamps and mages.  I don’t know where I see her, but…


Dory Predictions


Dory and Cassie are going to have their first “official” introduction. Probably in RtS, but possibly in the next Dory book? Either way, it’s bound to be equal parts intense and likely pretty funny (in a painfully awkward way).

 I think that from Dory’s POV there is definitely going to be some resentment. First, that her father never bothered to tell her (though I highly doubt she’ll be surprised by this); and second that this is the waifish little blonde that sent her ass out to pasture, as it were. But, I don’t figure Dory to be the type to see any of Mircea’s romantic entanglements as anything but a passing thing, so I doubt (aside from understandable wariness of her power) that Dory will give her much thought at all.

Cassie on the other hand, is going to be embarrassed as hell that she spent months worrying about Mircea’s “mistress”, just to end up shifting his dhamphir daughter (and new senate member) to a cow field. After the initial embarrassment however, I think her primary emotions are going to be centered on a general feeling of betrayal. How could he fail to mention to her that he had a daughter? He had plenty of opportunity, he told her so much about his history, he claimed that she knew him better than most, so why leave this monumental detail out? Was it just a side effect of his secretive nature, or because he actually doesn’t trust her? I have a feeling this is really going to eat at her, and likely lead to quite a reckoning between Cassie and Mircea. 

So, maybe I’m wrong, but…Cassie has been keeping quite a bit from Mircea as well.  As for Dory, well Radu told her in book 1 that if she kept up with the family she would already know about the “whole time line thing” and I think she’s gonna be pretty damn busy integrating Dorina.  And Cassie has had opportunities to talk to Mircea and chosen not to.  I think that the revelation that Marco and Rico make in book 7 is more important.  Mircea told them everything he knows about whats going on so they can protect Cassie, but they are “her men”.  They aren’t reporting on her actions to Mircea.  So, maybe, she could have brought them into the loop.  After all. Marco gives her the tears.  
