Tag: sex

Bound Together

Just finished Bound Together by Christine Feehan and WOW!  I didn’t think it was possible to make me a bigger fan but she did it.  Not only did she tie together the Drake Sisters series and the Sisters of the Heart Series but she also introduced us to a whole new family of characters to keep the location and characters around and relevant.  It takes some incredible talent and skill to create such intricately interwoven stories and keep each story contained and accessible to new readers.  Not only did Feehan accomplish that feat of literary magic, but she did so while tackling a very relevant problem in today’s society-human trafficking.  This book deal with a myriad of dark issues, such as child abuse, sex trafficking, drugs and smuggling and yet manages to maintain a message of hope, love, survival and family.  I am humbled and grateful to count myself as a fan of such an incredible woman  ❤️📔☮️😍😇