Weather and the Mayhem it Creates
I live in a state where the start of hurricane season is marked on a calendar and the end of it is a cause for celebration–we have survived one more year without the big one washing us away.
Katrina and it’s devastation shocked even those of us who live in Hurricane zones. And while there are certainly a number of places where we all know that we are one bad storm away from losing it all, there is far more of our country succeptable to a bad hurricane then we ever think about as it is the whole Atlantic coastline as well as the Gulf of Mexico’s coastline that has to face storms and their aftermath.
As Harvey hits, and rain and it’s wide variety of consequences are being felt in Texas and all along the gulf coast, I urge my friends who are affected to stay safe, stay together And batten down what hatches you had yet to get to.
And, selfish as it maybe, I thank g-d that this one has passed me by with little but rain in an unending supply, thunderstorms that rattle the house and the quite strange experience of standing on my front porch watching every low spot on my five acres turn Into a lake. But that’s the price of living in a hurricane zone… And every part of our great country has it’s drawbacks, hurricanes or tornadoes, earthquakes or volcanos… Let’s just hope that g-d has decided we need some Terraforming…