Month: August 2017

Laurell K Hamilton Blog Post Repost and a Few Thoughts of my Own

My husband’s family is an armed forces family.  His father was a marine and his mother in the army.  They met in the Armed Services band and as the lore goes, that was that. My husband was in Air Force ROTC and got a scholarship to college and wanted to be a pilot.  He got derailed by Calculus Four, but that is another story entirely… His little brother and sister were also in ROTC in high school, but chose different paths for their lives.

The first time I ever traveled with my children through an airport, I taught them that the men and women in armed services uniforms were special and that they fought for our country and deserved our gratitude–then I cringed as my two year old ran up to the marine, pulled on his dress uniform with sticky hands and then said “Thank You for saving my mommy”  to say he was surprised was an understatement.  After many apologies and smiles, we parted ways and I taught both my daughters that the correct phrase was “thank you for your service.”  And to this day I feel a sense of pride each time they politely thank the men and women in the armed services. ( and now cringe as they are pretty close in age to the youngest recruits at 14 and 15, and they get a little more attention than I’m necessarily comfortable with)

That being said, I am a fan of many writers who write detective stories and police procedurals.  And every time I hear about a police officer losing his or her life I cringe.  I have a few friends who ended up as police officers and I always call them when I have any issue that regards the police so I know how to best proceed.

Police officers and fire fighters come into our lives at the worst moments- either we are victims of crime or in the process of committing one.  But regardless, they run towards danger and do it every day all day.  So why didn’t I teach my daughters to thank them for their service?  Why did I teach my daughters that if they are ever pulled over to go to a public well lighted place before stopping?  Honestly, most police officers are a suspicious bunch and if you approach them out of the blue,  even to thank them for their service to thee community, I’ve found them to be a little wary about it.  I try to always nod at them and say thank you when I see them out and about and will redouble my efforts going forward.

So, I’m not sure exactly what my point was when I started other than that police officers and fire fighters don’t get nearly enough appreciation from the communities they serve.  Instead we point at the few bad apples and teach our children to be careful and that a uniform doesn’t necessarily mean a hero.

That being said, please give what you can to this fallen officers family and if you happen to see a police officer or fire fighter in the next few days thank them for their service.  And send positive thoughts and prayers to ALL the heroes in our communities.



Fallen Heroes

I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site and at the Facebook page at

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Book Birthday’s Today

Yay, it’s finally here-Karen Chance’s Ride the Storm was released today! After the longest wait ever, we get to catch up with Cassie and the gang!

Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dragonsworn is also released today… It’s on my to be read list and may have jumped to the top of the queue! The dark hunters series is definitely at a turning point with war and everyone coming together…

So, go forth and purchase people!  These stories are sure to be great additions to their respective series…

I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site and at the Facebook page at

If you want to help support this website, donations are accepted at
