A Book Review or two and a Little Respect
A couple of days ago, I warned that my posts might seem to be a little surreal because I was starting Jeaniene Frost‘s Night Prince which was the fourth and final installment in the that series. The reason that required a caveat was that Vlad is the hero int that series and he has a stepson and blood nephew named Mircea. Given that most of my posts revolve around the Cassandra Palmer and the Dorina Basarab series in which Mircea is a hero and Vlad a villain. I have to admit that it was difficult even within my own mind to make the switch. Eventually, though, my brain successfully made the switch and I came to really enjoy the return to the Night Huntress world. I have to give Jeaniene Frost some mad props. Mencheres plays a large role in the book and they throw in a stay at Kat and Bones cabin. What amazes me about this is that Jeaniene Frost is able to successfully end each series and then start another tangential story, one for which the foundations were laid in the process of telling this hero/heroine story. This means that when the next series, which will revolve around Ian, starts we know that some of our old friends will play a part and, in a way, each successive series is a continuation of the one before.
I also greatly enjoyed the Sweetest Burn, the second story in the Broken Destiny series. This series is truly unrelated to the other world. This series revolves around a battle between good in the form of Archons (Angel like beings) and Demons. These Demons have realms that are just a slight bit misaligned with reality and the heroine, Ivy has long been able to see glimpses of these realms and has a long history of psychiatric treatment due to this ability. When her sister disappears and her adoptive parents are killed while investigating the disappearance, Ivy decides she will fin and rescue her sister or die in the effort. This leads to a discovery of the Demons, their realms, minions (humans enlisted by both Archons and Demons to do their will on Earth since there are agreements in place limiting what can be done by the demons and Archons) and the fact that there is something quite special about Ivy. Ivy is the last descendant who has the blood of David from the biblical story of David and Goliath. The Archon who informs Ivy of all this brings someone to hep her Adrian, a man who was brought up in the demon realms and switched sides and who also has an illustrious ancestor as well-Jude, the man who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver and who is prophesied to betray Ivy as well. Apparently there are 3 artifacts that can only be wielded by one of David’s descendants and have become necessary as the walls between the realms are weakening. Anyways, this second book revolves around a search for a magical staff, the one that Moses used. When Ivy used the slingshot at the end of the first novel, it became a tattoo embedded in Ivy’s skin and it comes as a great surprise when she learns that it can still be used although not to the same effect as before. This installment shows Adrian and Ivy’s partnership going to the next level, with a number of ramifications that, of course, only become apparent AFTER the events have occurred.
I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site bestbooklover.net and at the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BestBookLover/
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(Broken Destiny)

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[Top]Switching tracks…
For a long time now, I have been blogging about Karen Chance’s books and talking about my relationships with the main characters in that world in an almost casual way. During that time, Jeaniene Frost has released two books, that although I had purchased them and added them to my to be read queue, I hadn’t read them yet. So, I am issuing a little bit of a warning and a caution for all those Karen Chance fans who are following me. I am reading Jeaniene Frost’s night Prince finale. This may be a wee bit confusing because in this series Vlad (aka Dracula) is the hero and is married to a psychic Leila. They are fighting against a foe named Mircea who is somehow his stepson as well as his nephew by blood as Radu’s son. So for the next little bit of time, my posts might become a little confusing. In all honestly, I am having enough trouble switching tracks within my own mind so that I can fully enjoy the end of the Night Prince series as I return to the world of Jeaniene Frost’s creation. So, should I be making statements that make no sense in the context of the Karen Chance universe, please forgive me as I am visiting Jeaniene Frost’s universe and thus those statements might make sense in that context. But given the fact that I keep having to remind myself which series I am reading, the statements may not be making sense in that context either. It is kind of like the process when learning a new language–your thoughts are in your native language and then you translate them into the new language. So, now I am reminding myself it is not that Vlad but this one and that sentence shows my inner monologue is confusing–let alone the outer one…
February 28, 2017
In the explosive finale to New York Times bestselling author Jeaniene Frost’s Night Prince series, Vlad is in danger of losing his bride to an enemy whose powers might prove greater than the Prince of Vampires’ . . .In the wrong hands, love can be a deadly weapon For nearly six hundred years, Vlad Tepesh cared for nothing, so he had nothing to lose. His brutal reputation ensured that all but the most foolhardy stayed away. Now, falling in love with Leila has put him at the mercy of his passions. And one adversary has found a devastating way to use Vlad’s new bride against him. A powerful spell links Leila to the necromancer Mircea. If he suffers or dies, so does she. Magic is forbidden to vampires, so Vlad and Leila enlist an unlikely guide as they search for a way to break the spell. But an ancient enemy lies in wait, capable of turning Vlad and Leila’s closest friends against them . . . and finally tearing the lovers apart forever.
Sherrilyn Kenyon’s DragonSworn
I have long been a Sherrilyn Kenyon fan and continue to be one. Although the newest series did not live up to my expectations, I am a fan of her worlds. I love the complex mythology and am constantly amazed by how varied her world has become. It is a vast network of various mythologies and yet somehow they all seamlessly interact. This is truly an amazing feat given that Egyptian and Greek and Sumerian Pantheons were never meant to mix. This book promised explanations of Falcyn’s origins and perhaps even his orneriness. This book did indeed explain Falcyon and his surliness.
I love the Dark Hunter world as well as the Were Hunter and Lords of Avalon worlds. I loved this book, as it returns to the stories that are as typical as a book by Sherrilyn Kenyon can be in that they are all atypical. This book was a little bit difficult for me as there are so very many story lines and interrelationships to try and keep straight. Even using the website as a cheat sheet, when the Lords of Avalon, dragon, were hunters and dark hunter worlds intersect things can become complicated and this book added in the Apollites as well. Put a cameo in by Simi and you have all the parts of Kenyon’s world in one place. It seems that this book may be a two for one in that Blaise makes a romantic connection as well.
So, my review of this book is overwhelmingly positive. My only complaint is that I have trouble keeping everything straight and that is a failing on my part but given that we book 28 and the length of some of those novels, I’m going to give myself a break. And admit I used Sherrilyn Kenyon.com as a cheat sheet when I got a little confused, but I figure that is why the character directory is there.
Dark-Hunter Novels (Hardcover)

There is nothing in the universe the cursed dragon, Falcyn, hates more than humanity . . . except Greek humans. In a war he wanted no part of, they systematically destroyed everything he’d ever cared for. Now he waits for the day when evolution will finally rid him of the human vermin. Medea was born the granddaughter of the Greek god Apollo, and among the first of his people that he cursed to die. But she will not let anyone rule her life. Not even her notorious grandfather. And when Apollo sends a new plague to destroy what remains of her people, she refuses to stand by and watch him take everything she loves from her again. This time, she knows of a secret weapon that can stop the ancient god and his army of demons. Once and for all. However, said device is in the hands of a dragon who wants nothing to do with politics, the gods, humanity, demons or Apollites. And especially not her. He is the immovable object. She is the unstoppable force . . . When Apollo makes a strategic move that backfires, he forces Falcyn back into play. Now Medea either has the weapon she needs to save her people, or she’s unleashed total Armageddon. If she can’t find some way to control the dragon before it’s too late, Falcyn will be an even worse plague on the world than the one Apollo has set loose. But how can anyone control a demonic dragon whose sole birthright is world annihilation?
Book Review for Kelley Armstrong’s Rituals (some Spoilers)
I have greatly enjoyed visiting Cainsville this past week. Watching Olivia, Gabriel and Ricky navigate discovering their pasts and the roles they were expected to play was fun and learning along the way with them the paranormal origins and the crazy treatment of those who did not fit into either of the main groups was a crazy ride. And I have looked forward to the conclusion of this story especially given the surprise at the ending of Betrayals when Ricky stepped aside to give Gabriel his shot with Olivia.
Watching the group fight their past incarnations and the meddling of both sides was frustrating. In many ways, the urge to just shake the main characters was high. And yet as each of the succeeding third party scheme and design traps and pitfalls there is a underlying layer of hope–that these three can somehow beat fate. Each of their previous incarnations are bitter and seem determined to make the same mistakes happen again while they advise Olivia, Gabriel and Ricky not to make the same mistakes. It’s frustrating.
All through the story, Gabriel’s continuing social dysfunction takes a large role in the story. And seeing him struggle to be what Olivia needs is painful at times. Having Gabriel’s mother return and Pamela escape from jail is not only unexpected it is shocking. And in this last book, finding that the powers who were so desperately awaiting their Matilda made deals that they didn’t consider the ramifications of was just plain disappointing
This end had the potential to be epic. No matter which decision was made, there could have been closure and healing with the story coming full circle. Instead of secret male pacts determining the future we could have had a reasoned and equal decision. Having a strong heroine with two strong males making well reasoned decisions seemed like what was coming.
Instead, Ricky backed off the field and Olivia was so glad to have the least crumb of attention from Gabriel that despite the fact he continued to misstep, Olivia chose Gabriel and then the three of them decided to do what they were told from the very beginning wasn’t an option. I did not see a happily ever after when this book ended. I saw continued heartbreak for Olivia as Gabriel continues to misstep. I see a friendship between Ricky and Olivia that will always have a sexual undertone and a feeling of lost opportunities. And the relationship between Gabriel and Ricky will always have a petty jealoussness under it.
As sad as the end made me because it took so much of Olivia’s strength and growth and threw it out the window as soon as Gabriel made the least bit of effort, it could have been worse. I am glad that they end up with neither the elders or the hunt winning. But instead it seems that everyone loses.
Random House Canada
August 15, 2017

The fifth book and the exciting conclusion to bestselling author Kelley Armstrong's "impossible-to-put-down" Cainsville series, in which she mixes hard-hitting crime writing with phenomenal world-building to create a brand of fiction all her own. When Olivia Taylor-Jones found out she was not actually the adopted child of a privileged Chicago family but of a notorious pair of convicted serial killers, her life exploded. Running from the fall-out, she found a refuge in the secluded but oddly welcoming town of Cainsville, Illinois, but she couldn't resist trying to dig out the truth about her birth parents' crimes. She began working with Gabriel Walsh, a fiendishly successful criminal lawyer who also had links to the town; their investigation soon revealed Celtic mysteries at work in Cainsville, and also entangled Olivia in a tense love triangle with the calculating Gabriel and her charming biker boyfriend, Ricky. Worse, troubling visions revealed to Olivia that the three of them were reenacting an ancient drama pitting the elders of Cainsville against the mysterious Huntsmen with Olivia as the prize. In the series' fifth and final novel, not only does Gabriel's drug addict mother, who he thought was dead, make a surprise reappearance, but Kelley Armstrong delivers a final scary and surprising knock-out twist. It turns out a third supernatural force has been at work all along, a dark and malevolent entity that has had its eye on Olivia since she was a baby and wants to win at any cost.
Open Books added me to their list of Book Bloggers and Reviewers! Someone out there has noticed me for doing what I love, without any lobbying by me!
[Top]More Official Facts From Karen Chance
I love the freebies that Karen gives away all the time. I consider her Q&A documents to be just another peek of having an author who values her readers in addition to honoring her characters. All that being said… Here’s the link to her latest Q&A…
BUT WAIT… before you read this you must have read Ride the Storm or spoilers will abound and some of it won’t make sense…Here’s a link to buy the book too!
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