Cool new product
promotional code 10% off EDRHRYEMVU
… This is so cool. You upload your photos, either through their phone app or website. They print the photo on a canvas and the back is adhesive. You can move them around on your wall as you wish and of course there is no damage to the wall.
so i got lost on the internet for a little while as a way to kill time while waiting the here from my daughter but it will benefit you because i found all of these really cool things that either your like or you won’t and both are o k
so as i was searching the internet for something entirely different i kind of stumble on a few things that i think some of you guys me like some of you guys may not and that’s o k because not everybody has the same opinion on about anything because then it would be a pretty boring world
What do you think?
What do you think?
What do you think?
What do you think?
[Top]Some things I found in my travels of the world wide web
I have been ill ad this have spent an inordinate amount of time creating keyboard themes for tiny monetary amounts… And in my travels I have found some kindred spirits and I hope that they find my links to their websites and decide to come visit me and a friendship may bloom…
For right now, keep up with our Facebook page and use it as a discussion space. Post there your thoughts about what you are reading and maybe we will find a way to match readers and conversations will emerge through comments…
Also, I am working hard to find away to let us all chat sharing what we are reading and what we are thinking.. As most of my favorite series are ongoing… It means that speculation is always a fun part of reading the series and sering that every racer brings a different life experience to the reading of the books đź“š which means each of us can bring the one question or offhand comment that rocks our entire understanding of our beloved series…
A Kindred Spirits WordPress Blog!
And there is a neat promotion for the Meredith Gentry figures at another fun webpage and kindred spirit
Fun place to visit and maybe buy (or splurge) on definitely fun items
That’s it for now!
One last thing… Android deals and steals time sensitive
[Top]Awesome Way to stop smoking or just get an infusion of B12 really quickly
i don’t really like these because i’ve never smoked so it’s too close to smoking for me so i basically gave away all of the ones that i bought to people who smoked and they reverted back to me that one of these vaporizers replaced between three and five cigarrettes throughout the day gave them a boost of energy and they didn’t even have cravings anymore to smoke so take it as it is and if you wanna stop smoking here is a great alternative that’ll also give you energy and make you feel good
[Top]A Real American to Inspire…
So rare to find someone who we can really admire in these days of pundits and soundbytes, tweets and abbreviations…
Do not buy this product
This particular products says that it is a leave in detangling solution – – while it may work on small knots or matted hair to help you detangle the hair it is not light enough to be a leave in treatment without taking a shower of immediately following use
Looking for something to do with those tax refund dollars you are expecting or did you have some recent windfall? Even if the answer to these questions is no, sometimes you just have to give yourself a gift…
WIRED: 10 of This Weekend’s Best Deals, From Laptops to Smart Doorbells.
[Top]An interesting read that shows the power of words and regardless of where you are in life the transformation the right book can create
As I read this article I tried to figure out which of my books đź“š would get the golden ticket if o had to pick just one. I can’t do it. When I was little I had an early hard cover edition of Little Women which unfortunately got destroyed when I did something nice for someone and it came back to bite me on the ass. And there is Madeline L’engles A Wrinkle in Time, which was one of my husband’s favorites as well and which I read to my girls as I tried to process his death and somehow reading that book to our children helped me. I don’t know how much they remember of the story, but I know they remember the cuddles and the fact I was reading. Then there is the Great Alta trilogy by Jane Yolen, which inspired me so much, and introduced me to the power and joy that can only come from a trilogy.
I don’t know whether you will consider this necessarily a “book”, but the graphic novels of Elfquest–they had just been rereleased for their 20th anniversary and I was on a trip with my best friends family to Hilton Head, and after being so engrossed in Nora Roberts’ Public Secrets (which is another of my influences as life changing) that I spent the whole day at the beach on my stomach which led to a seriously bad burn which led to my father, who was not a fan of me going on the trip in the first place said that was it I was coming home and he sent me a plane ticket. The trip to the airport was a long one and my back was about 6 shades darker then a lobster(and I was in a lot of pain and the trip back home from the car ride to the airplane seat đź’ş I was about ready to throw in the towel and was an exercise in mind over matter and how ( there is nothing to be done but let time pass and eventually you heal) and the only thing left in the car was my friend’s little brother’s graphic novel. They wouldn’t let me take it home (I was on page 87 and myom met me at the gate of the airport and she wasn’t able to find what I was talking about so I made her stop at the waldenbooks on the way home so I could read the end of story which of course, ironically, is finishing with the final quest this year and which I try to reread every 5 to 7 years.
And then I think of the eye opening Kushiel’s trilogy by Jacqueline Carey that opened a whole new world of series and books and a new world and genre of books and a great group of people…
[Top]Wisdom that just might be what you need when you need it…
sometime wisdom comes from the strangest places, but it might be exactly what we need to hear, even if it’s just said in a slightly different from the way its been said before!
“You are a human being and your greatest power is your will, or your ability to reason and make your own choices. It’s what commands all other aspects of your life. This power is the only thing that cannot be controlled or taken away from you by anyone, and it is what separates you from the other animals in this world. Don’t forget that you possess this power, and don’t squander it…you can decide what experiences mean to you and you can choose how you’ll react to them. Nobody can take that away from you, not even the gods themselves, says Epictetus earlier on in book one:
I must die. Must I then die lamenting? I must be put in chains. Must I then also lament? I must go into exile. Does any man then hinder me from going with smiles and cheerfulness and contentment? “Tell me the secret which you possess.” I will not, for this is in my power. “But I will put you in chains.” Man, what are you talking about? Me in chains? You may fetter my leg, but my will not even Zeus himself can overpower.” —-from
To be honest, this was something I needed to hear once more. I have been trying as hard as possible to force a situation to work, and rather than realizing that I am the only one who can change. I cannot change them or what they will do, but I can change my behavior. It may not be much but it also reminded to let go and let g-d take over. I’m not trying to convert anyone or make anyone change their positions or beliefs, but the truth is that we have to make informed decisions but sometimes events are outside our sphere of influence–and that is why we sometimes have to give it over to someone whose sphere is MUCH bigger than mine…I will let YOU decide who that may be!