Good Rules of Thumb
KyokoRen Week 2017 | Day 7 – Smile
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
-Mark Twain
booksthatbleeds Review : Midnight’s Daughter (Dorina Basarab #1)
Mircea has a daughter! That’s who Cassandra saw in the photos in the “Cassandra Palmer” series.
Dori Basarab is quite the rebel. She drinks beer and smokes weed, in part to quiet down the negative side effects that come with being a Dhamphir. Dhamphir’s are susceptible to blackouts and uncontrollable rage. In the book, her best friend goes missing. Along with a friend of Mircea, she sets out to find that friend and do her father a favor that can cost her, her life. Another great K.C. novel.4/5
(review from May 31, 2010)
Midnight’s Daughter ch3-4
[Top]some thoughts:
– I like how LC and Dory just have such instant chemistry. Much and all as I love a slow burn relationship, the immediate connection they have is undeniably fun. The sexy teasing, the fighting, the caring about each other way too much way too quickly, like I said before, it just draws you in right away.
– these chapters introduce us to my favourite location in the entire chanceverse, Uncle Pip’s house. I love enchanted buildings, and the portals, the ley lines, the house with a personality, the incredible hulk cats – they’re so much FUN, so vivid and alive.
– I enjoy Dory’s pragmatism. For all that she’s always ready to fight, she has no problem cutting and running when necessary either.
Dorina Basarab Appreciation Week – Favorite Quote
[Top]Dorina Basarab Appreciation Week – Favorite Quote
I tugged him a little, sending a shiver through that strong frame.
Favorite OTP Aesthetic: Dorina Basarab/Louis-Cesare de Bourbon
[Top]Favorite OTP Aesthetic: Dorina Basarab/Louis-Cesare de Bourbon
The Basarab Family
[Top]Dorina Basarab Appreciation Week – Free Day
The Basarab Family
Nobody ever said the family didn’t know how to hold a grudge.
Goddess by Comsat Angels
[Top]Chanceverse Graphics Request – Cassie + Song Lyrics for @windsurfingthroughhell
Goddess by Comsat Angels
And I fall every time
She’s staring at the sky
Almost a sacrifice
Got nature on her side
Death’s Mistress ch 1-2
– Hugo Vleck is a nasty creep and definitely deserved getting loved to pieces by dory
– why is it that the vamps working for mircea insist on being shitty to dory? Are they stupid? If they hurt her, mircea will fuck them up. If dory hasn’t torn them apart first. Idiots.
– “I’m tired, I’m hungry and I have a head in a bag. Do not fuck with me.” Probs the most iconic line in the series
– marlowe hate-crushing on dory is
– watching him try to puzzle out what dory’s secret is (how she’s able to escape after killing a master) is pretty great. Not being in on a secret is absolute torture for him.
– mircea: “radu mentioned that the two of you had grown…close.” Mircea: *aggressively avoids thinking about his daughter and a member of his vamp family doing the do*
– okay but I am wondering now how radu brought this up to mircea. Did he straight up tell him he walked in on LC teasing a naked and tied up dory? Probably not, right? He’d want to protect LC I assume. In any case, I’m sure the conversation was hysterical and I wish I could read it.
– I know LC had good reason to bail on dory but it’s still sad to see her feeling all rejected. Especially considering she’s not exactly one to get emotional about a love interest. ESPECIALLY a vampire.
– ah, Claire is back and she’s a motherfuckin dragon. Other than that, chapter two doesn’t do much. You find out dory has pretty officially adopted stinky as her own, and that she’s got a house full of trolls, but other than that…we’re basically just going to spend the next chapter or so catching up with Claire.
I SOOOO Love Dory! I love her kick ass no apologies style! I find the mind stuff to be a pretty big foreshadowing, but that’s just me! I love Radu…I love the way he blithely blunders along and somehow makes it all ok. It would suck to have this series without Radu’s kinda quirky super intelligent “director’s cut” explanations. I know that Mircea needs Louis Cesare and has taken advantage of the fact he’s family although that has also led to the isolation. I think that the reason Mircea put Louis Cesare and Dory together was to connect the two “red-headed stepchildren” and give them the support they wouldn’t take otherwise. I know how hard it must be for Mircea-to whom EVERYTHING revolves around family to stay out of Louis Cesare’s life so it follows the way it would have before Rasputin came along…
One of my favorite things about Dory is that we keep getting to see Marlowe ride the crazy train! And all the other underworld of vampires. It allows us to see the not so powerful and the fae…And it makes it so that we can really appreciate how far into the deep end Cassie plays! I mean shes surrounded by the Super old masters and the elite of the war mages and the Damn demon council.
I hate the fact that Claire isn’t recognizable at first…and I hate that we get to see Louis Cesare and Dory at odds. I hate that Louis Cesare has disappeared on Dory, but I love the fact that Dory puts the head on the letter opener…
Ok, thats it for now