Tag: anita blake

Experiencing a dilemma


I’ve never faced before. Frankly I’m tired of love triangles. Mostly because there’s an obvious choice of who the main character’s gonna choose; mostly the reason there’s even a hint of competition is because the girl doesn’t want to hurt the non-chosen guy:

Jace or Simon—duh, Jace wins

Edward or Jacob–duh, Edward wins

Dimitri or Adrian–duh, Dimitri wins

Adam or Samuel–duh, Adam wins

Peeta or Gale–duh, Peeta wins

Barrons or V’laine–duh, Barrons wins

Bones or Tate–duh, Bones wins

Vlad or Maximus–duh, Vlad wins

And countless other I can’t even remember right now. Granted The Infernal Devices took a novel approach and has the main character get to be with both the men she loved (even though it was obvious she really really loved Will–and if forced to choose I think she would have chosen him in the end, but she got both)

My problem is: the Cassandra Palmer series.

One the one hand there’s Mircea who I admitted wasn’t in love with to begin with, but now…after everything I’ve read (including the Dorina Basarab series) I like him. I want him to be happy. I want him to be Cassie because he wants to be with her and she wants to be with him. I like him. Although I’m not too happy about where we were left with him in Tempt the Stars. I hope he’s not going to just abandon her. That doesn’t seem like the kind of man he is.

On the other hand, there’s Pritkin who I’ve kinda adored since book two, Claimed by Shadows. And my adoration for him has only gotten worse as the series has progressed. I absolutely love him. And I do think he’s gonna be the endgame. But I’m not sure.

And I’m torn.

Therein lies the problem.

I’ve never liked both of the guys for a single girl in a series. I may like a guy like say for instance Simon, but I never liked him for Clary. For Izzy, he’ll yeah, but never for Clary.

I want both Mircea and Pritkin for Cassie and I don’t know what to think.


SO, I keep rereading this post.  And I get the overall point, even those of us that “like” both the men in Cassie’s life equally have favorites.  Sometimes, those favorites change from scene to scene but we have favorites.  So, who do we root for?   How do we want it to end…Well, I’m just gonna root for Cassie and however messily it ends up, as long as she’s happy I’ll be good…

But for the list at the beginning, I gotta say something.  I am very happy for this writer that all choices seem crystal clear.  For the rest of us, sometimes we don’t know who we are going to pick until after it has happened.    Or, if you are me, it sometimes was one person on one read but the next time its someone else…

So, maybe, its mutable.  Maybe, for some like Cat and Bones I didn’t even remember there was someone else.  But for each one of those, I have  an Anita Blake, or a Merry or a Corinne Carol-Anne Kirkpatrick.   And there are messy crazy solutions.  

And I don’t see Cassie going the way of the many loved.  At least I don’t think so.  But I’ll just keep reminding myself that I’m rooting for Cassie…and being mutable

the interminable wait for book _______

So, here’s the thing.  I am a reader.  And with the advent of new technology, I can have my phone read to me while I do a gazillion other things…So, due to the fact that I had a speed reading class in high school and …well I consume books.  And quickly.  It makes Tuesdays my favorite day.  And I have a lot of series I follow.  So Karen Chance is one among the many for me.  And at first I was Seriously mad at the delays and changing publication dates.  

But in the last year, I have come to realize that my book’s are a coping mechanism.  They give me something to hold on to.  Something to talk about.  Something to occupy the 60% of my brain that keeps screaming this can’t be my life.  And to let me be somewhat calm, and positive.  At least I’m not being chased by monsters, only creditors!  And yes, I am a widow with two beautiful teenage daughters.  Which means that I am scared to bring any man home because I am very careful about my blue eyed, blonde haired beautiful brilliant children are exposed to.  And I had a great husband which means I am not willing to settle for anything else.  So I read a lot of very explicit series cause that’s my only sexual release.

So I read Laurell K Hamilton and lots of others.  But here’s the thing.  We have to support our authors.  The publishing business is hard.  And they create these amazing worlds and characters we all.love.   And for them the creation process is amazingly complex with first drafts and then edit after edit.  Some people get really nasty about these amazing works of creation.  And I understand that, too.  I love the main characters in my books.  They are like friends who I visit with every time I read the book.   And I hate some of the things that happen.  In a way even the violently negative feedback is a compliment to the author.  But why should they keep spending 6-8 hours a day writing for us if we just bitch about it.  Why do the work of edit after edit?  

I am making a stand.  Laurell K Hamilton won’t publish when her next book will be out or which series it will be.  Why should she? Her fans will wail and whimper.  If she just publishes it and tells us after the last draft is finalized, she gets to bypass all the people mad when she misses a date!  And poor Karen Chance, who keeps trying to put out book 8-but the book is too long for paperback.  And then there’s the other stuff she writes.  Freebie’s that are hard work for her but taken as though they are due to the readers.  Ever since Karen published Book 7, with delays, she has been working hard to give us a good book 8.  And what do the readers do? Some of us go back and reread.  Look for all the nuances we keep missing in the race to find out what happened.  And then another group gets vocal-and trashes Karen Chance for missing publicized release dates.  Rather than doing that, I’m doing the opposite.

I am going to support my favorite authors.  I don’t care how long I have to wait for the next installment.  I’m going to send them messages, asking questions about the books I have.  I’m going to reread, and laugh and cry and scream and yell.  I’m going to write new reviews, new FAQs, new posts.  I’m going to do whatever the hell I can to make sure I get to know how the stories end.  I will write petitions.  I will beg,  plead and cajole.  I will help the next Kit Colbana book be made by sending money on Patreon.  And I will appreciate the freebies, the alternate POV, the deleted scenes.  I am doubly supportive of the authors I love who have prepublished schedules and put out surprise books too! I love Jenna Black and Lauren Dane and Seanan Mcguire and Kelley Armstrong and Christine Feehan.  But I will keep on supporting everyone…



No matter how weird and magical we might be, having the people you love tell you they love you and mean it… it never goes out of style.

#thingsilearnedfromanitablake #LaurellKHamilton #lkh #anitablake #quote #bookquote #love



I never thought a small piece of shade
could bring me so much happiness. That a pile of tools, a bucket, a knife, a
pencil, might become my greatest treasures. Or that knowing Richard Parker was
here might ever bring me peace. In times like these, I remember that he has as
little experience of the real world as I do. We were both raised in a zoo by
the same master. Now we’ve been orphaned, left to face our ultimate master
together. Without Richard Parker, I would have died by now. My fear of him
keeps me alert.
Tending to his needs gives my
life purpose.

Tiger! Look at the beauty…and so my mind goes to Anita Blake, mistress of tigers…and then i feel a pang for Domino



mythology moodboards | nāga

in hindu mythology, nāgas are snakes that may take human form. they are also associated with water—rivers, lakes, seas, and wells—and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure.

requested by anon

Made me think of Anita Blake rescuing the Naga


How to Make Lifelong Readers Out of Your Friends and Neighbors


1. Make a list of everyone in your neighborhood/city/college/elsewhere with a copy of any book in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.

2. Visit each person in turn and give them precisely one (1) copy of Kushiel’s Dart, by Jacqueline Carey.

3. ???

4. Love literature…as thou wilt!

Expensive, but most probably worth it.

Just gotta say I really dislike the fact the 50 shades is supposed to represent all edgy romance.  It doesn’t even begin to touch the really GREAT books in the world–books that make you question everything and become a warm flame to warm you on the darkest night….Hey I made a Jacqueline Carey reference without meaning to…

I actually have a friend who does this with Laurell K Hamilton books whenever she sees them somewhere cheap.  She buys 30 or 40 copies at 1 or 2 dollars a piece and randomly gives them out to people.  She says it makes up for the fact she refuses to lend out any of her Laurell K Hamilton books…positive book karma


Best and the Worst of Books

I’m concerned.  I’m confused.  I don’t get it at all.  I have a number of authors that I follow religiously.  I use FictFact (www.fictfact.com) to keep track of my series and the release dates.  I know a bunch of other people are buying the books too.  But some of my favorite authors are facing a publishing crisis.  Someone has decided that paranormal romance is dead.  I want to know who that is-I have bunches of receipts to prove it isn’t!  Urban fantasy is on a downswing and fantasy is dead.  That isn’t the case with my friends and to be honest I am absolutely not going to let it happen! So whoever has decided that paranormal shouldn’t be published hasn’t looked at the right numbers or in the right places!  And nothing hurts quite so much as a story unfinished!



Alfazairy Haute Couture F/W 2016.

I;m never going to be a fashionista, but this dress is the wedding dress for Anita Blake…Can’t you just see it?


Breaking News About Micah in Anita Blake Series

So….I am posting here a conversation between myself a Jess, Laurell K Hamilton’s Media Minion.  Jess often answers posts for Laurell and her words are Canon

Samantha A Karp Hauser


Laurell K Hamilton

March 7 at 5:45pm


Have a question from rereading Affliction…It makes reference to Micah’smom being mixed race, so what is Micah’s race? Here is the reference I am referring to “Micah’s mom was in the hallway being comforted by Gonzales. She was crying, and for a second I feared the worst. My stomach tightened with dread, but I squared my shoulders and kept walking forward; no retreat, no surrender.
Domino spoke low beside me. ‘Who is that?’
I answered, sort of under my breath, ‘Micah’s mom.’
‘Really?’ he said.
I glanced up at him but couldn’t read his expression with his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. He didn’t exactly look happy, though; I hadn’t thought about the whole mixed-race thing being an issue for anyone. If anyone was going to have an issue it would be the clan weretigers, but Domino with his own mixed heritage hadn’t been my pick for being bothered by it.” Affliction, Laurell K Hamilton

Samantha A Karp Hauser

This is a serious question..please answer

March 8 at 1:15am

Laurell K Hamilton

Micah is also of mixed race. -Media Minion

March 8 at 10:46am

Laurell K Hamilton

Micah is part African American through his mother’s side of the family. -Media Minion


Reread Nirvana

So, I’ve decided to like what I like.  Rather than looking for new Authors and series, I’m going back to my old favorites and boy am I loving it!  I have done 2 Anita Blake rereads and have a totally different take on the series since there is no pressure to find out what happens.  I flew through Merry Gentry in 3 days.  And I found myself revisiting Lauren Dane’s Goddess with a Blade series.  Then I read the new paranormal series from Lauren Dane-Diablo Lake.  And now I just reread Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer and Dorina Basarab series.  WOW, I loved spending time with Cassie and Dory.  It’s amazing that all these authors have created complex worlds for us to explore and there are so many similarities but each series has a totally different take. 
