Tag: reviews

Wisdom and a Laurell K Hamilton Quote

There is wisdom in this. We all have a choice in how we deal with bad things. We can rant and rail and drive ourselves crazy with all the bad in our lives, or we can accept that bad things happen and look at the positive. Be grateful that we have a chance to react and find a way to focus on that. That is my wisdom for the day… Be a victim of life or a survivor… I choose to survive and be grateful for what I have and can do… Rather than bitter about what I cant

Wisdom and a Laurell K Hamilton Quote was originally published on Best Book Lover Book Reviews

the interminable wait for book _______

So, here’s the thing.  I am a reader.  And with the advent of new technology, I can have my phone read to me while I do a gazillion other things…So, due to the fact that I had a speed reading class in high school and …well I consume books.  And quickly.  It makes Tuesdays my favorite day.  And I have a lot of series I follow.  So Karen Chance is one among the many for me.  And at first I was Seriously mad at the delays and changing publication dates.  

But in the last year, I have come to realize that my book’s are a coping mechanism.  They give me something to hold on to.  Something to talk about.  Something to occupy the 60% of my brain that keeps screaming this can’t be my life.  And to let me be somewhat calm, and positive.  At least I’m not being chased by monsters, only creditors!  And yes, I am a widow with two beautiful teenage daughters.  Which means that I am scared to bring any man home because I am very careful about my blue eyed, blonde haired beautiful brilliant children are exposed to.  And I had a great husband which means I am not willing to settle for anything else.  So I read a lot of very explicit series cause that’s my only sexual release.

So I read Laurell K Hamilton and lots of others.  But here’s the thing.  We have to support our authors.  The publishing business is hard.  And they create these amazing worlds and characters we all.love.   And for them the creation process is amazingly complex with first drafts and then edit after edit.  Some people get really nasty about these amazing works of creation.  And I understand that, too.  I love the main characters in my books.  They are like friends who I visit with every time I read the book.   And I hate some of the things that happen.  In a way even the violently negative feedback is a compliment to the author.  But why should they keep spending 6-8 hours a day writing for us if we just bitch about it.  Why do the work of edit after edit?  

I am making a stand.  Laurell K Hamilton won’t publish when her next book will be out or which series it will be.  Why should she? Her fans will wail and whimper.  If she just publishes it and tells us after the last draft is finalized, she gets to bypass all the people mad when she misses a date!  And poor Karen Chance, who keeps trying to put out book 8-but the book is too long for paperback.  And then there’s the other stuff she writes.  Freebie’s that are hard work for her but taken as though they are due to the readers.  Ever since Karen published Book 7, with delays, she has been working hard to give us a good book 8.  And what do the readers do? Some of us go back and reread.  Look for all the nuances we keep missing in the race to find out what happened.  And then another group gets vocal-and trashes Karen Chance for missing publicized release dates.  Rather than doing that, I’m doing the opposite.

I am going to support my favorite authors.  I don’t care how long I have to wait for the next installment.  I’m going to send them messages, asking questions about the books I have.  I’m going to reread, and laugh and cry and scream and yell.  I’m going to write new reviews, new FAQs, new posts.  I’m going to do whatever the hell I can to make sure I get to know how the stories end.  I will write petitions.  I will beg,  plead and cajole.  I will help the next Kit Colbana book be made by sending money on Patreon.  And I will appreciate the freebies, the alternate POV, the deleted scenes.  I am doubly supportive of the authors I love who have prepublished schedules and put out surprise books too! I love Jenna Black and Lauren Dane and Seanan Mcguire and Kelley Armstrong and Christine Feehan.  But I will keep on supporting everyone…


Midnight’s Daughter

So, I am skipping around a bit and I know it all to well…but here’s the thing.  I am trying really hard to do reviews of all the Karen Chance books but there is just too much.  Each book is a gazillion things and I’m working hard to try and list them all,but my reviews end up being books themselves, even if I only write one sentence per event and I end up writing way more than 1 sentence.   So, while I am struggling through page by page to make sure you get everything I’m also reading on my own time.  So I’m about 2/3 through Midnight’s Daughter and only 1/3 through the review of Touch the Dark…

But I just can’t keep my mouth shut.  I’m giggling over Dory.  Shaking my head at Louis-Cesar.  Totally enchanted by Radu. Laughing at Radu telling Dory he had to stay way from Louis-Cesar because of the “timeline thing” which is a summary of Cassie book 1.  Dory says that thing I’d know about if I knew what was going on in the family? and Radu just keeps right on going like she know what in the sam hill he is talking about.  Imagining a dinner with Radu dressed flamboyantly and miniature cows herding around on the table then falling in the lap of the guests.  The King and the Troll Widow and stinky all trying to eat the cows.  Radu’s dismay at the chef being upset.  The Sheer absurdity of it all! Then, Dory turning down sex with the king of the fae-only to bite him and have it be the opposite of what she wanted to happen! And the hilarity of her and Radu talking in the parlor as the chandelier swings from the fight between Louis-Cesar and Caedmon over Dory’s honor…Its just too much to stay quiet.  I have to share it, but I don’t know how! 






About the Book:
In the modern day world, vampires and other paranormal creatures are known. However, in America, vampires are also legal citizens so if you kill a vampire, you may find yourself up on murder charges. Enter Anita Blake. She is an animator (someone who raises the dead), paranormal consultant for the police, and legal executioner for the vampires who get out of line. Recently, there has been a series of vampire murders happening, and Nikolaos, vampire Master of the City, wants Anita to look into these crimes, whether Anita wants to or not…

Rating: 9/10
I originally started reading the Anita Blake series back in 2000. I have lost track of how many times I have read the series. Personally, I despise where the series has gone and find myself grinding my teeth at the author’s personal attitude, but even with a strong disliking of the author and the progression of Anita Blake, I still find myself loving Guilty Pleasures (and most of the early books).

Now, I could rant and rave about where the Anita Blake series has gone, but that’s not what this review is about. I will be focusing on Guilty Pleasures, not the Anita Blake series.

Read the rest here

Man that cover… I think when I first read the book they re-did it. I never thought what it looked like before…

A bit more fixing up and it still can work with today’s books. Also this review is wonderful.

First time I read this was with the sexy covers, the one with the stomach. I simply managed to get hold of a first edition (have one of Lunatic Cafe as well). It’s nice to see others liking the retro covers as well. It seems a lot of people are split down the middle with the retro covers. Also, I am really glad you like my book reviews. It brings a smile to my face to see that people are liking them. By the way, almost done with The Laughing Corpse so expect a review in a week (maybe two).

Woot! 😀
