Tag: shapeshifters

Why I Read… And Who I am Reading…

I am a reader. The thought of going without my books is inconceivable. For the most part, I have my favorites, books that are a comfort no matter what my life throws at me. When I was little, the books were something I needed. I travelled with a copy of “Little Women”. Jo and Beth, Meg and Amy were very real to me. I read that book until it literally fell apart – but it did not matter since they became a part of my brain. I know that they came from another persons brain. I know how much they meant to me. But it wasn’t just them. It was Anne of Green Gables and Pippi Longstocking and Cutter and Leetah. It was Amelia Bedelia and Bedknobs and Broomsticks and a magical doorway to Narnia that kept my imagination in thrall. It was the thought of Tesseracts and the pagentry of fantasy novels and the words of a bard. Its the words of Elizabeth Dickinson and the words of Keats. And, slowly, it became what was the fabric of my life. The threads I can remember, as well as the ones that I didn’t incorporate into my world view.
As an adult, I read everything and found myself finding more companions. Around other things that happened in the real world, there too were the characters of Anne Rice, Nora Roberts and Guy Gavriel Kay. And something amazing came from the books. It was friends who were only a few pages away. They were never too busy. It was the knowledge that, just by reading a book đź“–, I could recapture where I was when I read it the first time as well as some of the minutia I had missed the first time around because I wanted to know what happened. Knowing what happened meant I could pay more attention to the characters that were secondary. And, there were times in my adult life when I had to read those treasured pages one word at a time. It was harder that way.
All of this was a little bit away from my main point. I said I was a reader and I am. It means that I escape into those other worlds and learn the rules… Whether it is based on mythology or vampires, society or shapeshifters it gave me an escape and a place to hope and dream about, while my body betrayed me. I also, somewhere along the way, developed a rule that if I started a book, I finished it. And, then, I found myself feeling a drive to finish a series, even if it wasn’t up to my standards. But, I started this blog to highlight one of my favorite authors and the two heroines of her novels. Karen Chance reminded me why she held a place among my favorites with Dragon’s Claw. It’s the latest release of the Dorina Basarab plot line which is a companion to the Cassandra Palmer series. I realized that I had missed Dory and Marlowe. And, reading it, I felt that excitement that comes from a new adventure and some old friends. I cannot wait for the next story.

A great Paranormal read with emotional relevance!

Cory is reeling from the loss of Adrian in book one. In an attempt to be what Green’s Hill needs, she goes to college and takes Renny with her. The thought is that the two of them can heal together and come back to the hill whole. Cory doesn’t want to be a burden on Green, and so even the sexual healings that Green excels at aren’t working. Then the unthinkable happens, and Cory is attacked by a new supernatural threat, and Green rushes to her side when he hears her psychic scream. A new shapeshifter is stealing women’s memories of their first times, which are so very vital to Cory, as those are her most precious memories of Adrian. While they investigate and try to find a way to get those memories back, they discover that the Supernatural community had some complicity in the attack that killed Adrian and the battle lines are drawn. Goshawk, the leader of the Avians has been attacking the supernatural community and has taken advantage of the schisms already present, since the elves have a sense of entitlement that is divisive. The vampires, shapeshifters (other than the Avians), and lesser fae join forces with Green. Even the Avian who attacked Cory becomes a part of the effort to overthrow Goshawk. Just when it looks like things are going Cory’s way, Goshawk attacks again trying to take more of Cory’s firsts. But this time she is bound to two men who love her, Green and Bracken, and she fights Goshawk. She even gets the memory of her first kiss back and injures Goshawk, but he gravely injures her in the attack….

Wounded, Volume 1 Book Cover Wounded, Volume 1
Little Goddess
Amy Lane
Paranormal Romance
DSP Publications; 2 edition
e book

Little Goddess: Book Two
Vol. 1

Cory fled the foothills to deal with the pain of losing Adrian, and Green watched her go. Separately, they could easily grieve themselves to death, but when an old enemy of Green's brings them back together, they can no longer hide from their grief—or their love for each other.

But Cory's grieving has cut her off from the emotional stability that's the source of her power, and Green's worry for her has left them both weak. Cory's strength comes from love, and she finds that when she's in the presence of Adrian's best friend, Bracken, she feels stronger still.

But defeating their enemy is by no means a sure thing. As the attacks against Cory and her lovers keep coming, it becomes clear that their love might not be enough if they can't heal each other—and themselves—from the wounds that almost killed them all.
