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Bound Together

Just finished Bound Together by Christine Feehan and WOW!  I didn’t think it was possible to make me a bigger fan but she did it.  Not only did she tie together the Drake Sisters series and the Sisters of the Heart Series but she also introduced us to a whole new family of characters to keep the location and characters around and relevant.  It takes some incredible talent and skill to create such intricately interwoven stories and keep each story contained and accessible to new readers.  Not only did Feehan accomplish that feat of literary magic, but she did so while tackling a very relevant problem in today’s society-human trafficking.  This book deal with a myriad of dark issues, such as child abuse, sex trafficking, drugs and smuggling and yet manages to maintain a message of hope, love, survival and family.  I am humbled and grateful to count myself as a fan of such an incredible woman  ❤️📔☮️😍😇













the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” is actually not the full phrase it actually is “curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back” so don’t let anyone tell you not to be a curious little baby okay go and be interested in the world uwu

See also:

Blood is thicker than water The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

Meaning that relationships formed by choice are stronger than those formed by birth.

Let’s not forget that “Jack of all trades, master of none” ends with “But better than a master of one.”

It means that being equally good/average at everything is much better than being perfect at one thing and sucking at everything else. So don’t worry if you’re not perfect at something you do! Being okay is better!

These made me feel better

Also, “great minds think alike” ends with “but fools rarely differ”

It goes to show that conformity isn’t always a good thing. And that just because more than one person has the same idea, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good idea.

what the fuck why haven’t i heard the full version to any of these 

“Birds of a feather flock together” ends with “until the cat comes.”

It’s actually a warning about fair-weather friends, not an assessment of how complementary people are.

I’ve always felt like these were cut down on purpose.

I really like these phrases and plan on spreading this knowledge.

The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I want to make designs out of these.

Funny how all the half-finished ones encourage uniformity and upholding the status-quo, while the complete proverbs encourage like…living exciting, eclectic lives driven by choice and personal passion.


business email glossary

thanks in advance: get this done by the time i press “send”
thanks for your interest: why’d you have to bring this up
would you be so kind: fucking do it
best: i have never physically met you
all best: this conversation is over
all my best: i wish you would die
happy to help: this is the easiest thing in my inbox
i hope this helps: i’ve done all i’m willing to do
i did a bit of research: i googled it, because you’re too lazy to
sorry to chase: answer my email
so sorry to chase: answer my FUCKING email
i am really sorry for being a pest but: i am LIVID that you are ignoring me
please contact my colleague: this isn’t my problem
i’m copying in my colleague: this isn’t my problem and i am thrilled about it
i’ll check and get back to you: i might forget to
i’ll let you know when i hear anything: i will forget to
can you check back with me in a week?: i’m hoping you will forget to
per our earlier conversation: i just yelled at you on the phone
great to chat just now: you just yelled at me on the phone
thanks!: i’m not mad at you
thanks!!: please don’t be mad at me
thanks!!!: i’m crying at my desk
please advise: this might be your fault
kindly advise: this is entirely your fault
mind if i swing by?: i’m already in the elevator
can you confirm for me: you told me before and i deleted the email
sorry if that was unclear: i think you’re an idiot
let me know if you need anything else: please never contact me again






Anita’s Tigers chilling and comparing notes




HQ – David Gandy by Mariano Vivanco

It just hits all the buttons



She is FIERCE #internationalwomensday 💪 ©annasblumen



Happy international women’s day from the best, most underrated disney ladies! And that’s the gospel truth!

design available as prints, shirts, etc in my shops here and here <3
