Laurell K Hamilton’s clues

My next novel will be out June of 2018. I’ve been posting about the process of writing it, and a lot of you are asking what am I working on? Is it an Anita Blake novel, or a Merry Gentry one? Or something new? The answer to your question is in the picture we’ve just posted, or at least clues to the answer are there. The picture will tell you what series, some of the characters featured, and even some of the important plot points. There’s even a clue in this message. All you have to do is decipher the clues and you’ll have your answer. You’ll get your biggest hint next week, which will end some of the speculation, but not all of it. Shall we play a game?
So, I’m gonna play, how about you?
[Top]Laurell K. Hamilton quote
The second you stop questioning yourself is the second that you become the monster.
― Laurell K. Hamilton, A Kiss of Shadows
Random House Digital, Inc.
Meredith, a runaway Elven princess posing as a human private detective with a specialty in supernatural crime, is confronted by a dangerous new adversary, Doyle, the chief bodyguard and assassin of Meredith's aunt, the Queen of Air and Darkness, as Meredith becomes caught up in one of her dreaded aunt's evil schemes. By the author of Obsidian Butterfly. Reprint.
Wisdom and a Laurell K Hamilton Quote
There is wisdom in this. We all have a choice in how we deal with bad things. We can rant and rail and drive ourselves crazy with all the bad in our lives, or we can accept that bad things happen and look at the positive. Be grateful that we have a chance to react and find a way to focus on that. That is my wisdom for the day… Be a victim of life or a survivor… I choose to survive and be grateful for what I have and can do… Rather than bitter about what I cant
Wisdom and a Laurell K Hamilton Quote was originally published on Best Book Lover Book Reviews
[Top]Mythology Posters: Athena, also known as Pallas, is one of the Twelve Olympians and the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Philosophy, Craft and War, though she only took part in conflicts to defend the state and home from outside enemies. She’s a daughter of Zeus and Metis, born fully armoured from her father’s head, and the patron of a Athens- something she achieved by winning a contest against Poseidon by offering the city’s inhabitants the Olive Tree.
Never too Bad-You are Human
[Top]no matter what you’re going through, remember that you’re a human being, and you can fix your mistakes.
Good Rules of Thumb
KyokoRen Week 2017 | Day 7 – Smile
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
-Mark Twain
[Top][Top]So many people forget that we’re supposed to raise our kids to have lives of their own, not give them ours.
[Top]No matter how weird and magical we might be, having the people you love tell you they love you and mean it… it never goes out of style.
#thingsilearnedfromanitablake #LaurellKHamilton #lkh #anitablake #quote #bookquote #love

[Top]“There are three parts to learning: information, knowledge and wisdom, A mere accumulation of information is not knowledge, and a treasure of knowledge is not in itself, wisdom.”
― Rachel Caine, Ink and Bone