Tag: us

Something to make you think, just a little

“People aren’t so good at being good to one another. We try hard enough, but something essential was left out in the making of us, some hard little patch of stone in the fertile soil that’s supposed to be our hearts. We get hung up on the bad, and we focus on it until it grows, and the whole crop is lost.”   Seanan Mcguire Dusk or Dawn or Dawn or Day

A Quote to Remind us all of the Power of Words… Especially When it Comes to Those we Love

“What is that old children’s rhyme, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’? Anyone who says that doesn’t understand the power of words. They can cut deeper than any knife, hit harder than any fist, touch parts of you that nothing physical will ever reach, and the wounds that some words leave never heal, because each time the word is thrown at you, labeled on you, you bleed afresh from it. It’s more like a whip that cuts every time, until you feel it must flay the very skin from your bones, and yetoutwardly there is no wound to show the world, so they think you are not hurt, when inside part of you dies every time.”” Laurell K Hamilton, A Shiver of Light Book 9 of the Merry Gentry Series


Buy this Special Edition and Support an Awesome Writer!

Hello My friends…This is one of my favorite authors and I hope you will help her out by buying this special edition…
I also have a little secret I’ve been keeping…You might just recognize the character Elizabeth, HMMMM wonder if she could be based on a certain Elizabeth who loves these books as much as I do…
From recent newsletter…
News from Shiloh
Kit’s Five
Blade Song – Special Edition
Kit was introduced to the world five years ago.
HBA few months ago, a special group of readers helped me introduce Damon’s side of the story. When I started the Patreon platform, the original intent was that the short stories written for my patrons would be specifically for them.
A few months ago, my life was very much different.
Not only has my father moved in with me, but my sister in law and two of her kids have moved in with us.
My household has…well, grown exponentially, while my income has dropped. As many of you know, Samhain Publishing and Ellora’s Cave are no longer in business and I’ve yet to sell another trilogy so funds are…tight.
I talked things over with the readers who have opted to become patrons, because I started bouncing an idea around.
Kit’s five, after all. (And what a mouthy five year old she is…). It should be celebrated.
I had this story that other readers would probably enjoy. But it wouldn’t be out without the support of my patrons.
My patrons told me, emphatically, to do what I needed to do. So…that’s what I’m doing.
Viola. A special edition of Blade Song.
The special edition is available at the current price of $2.99 only through the link below.
The book includes Blade Song, and a snazzy new cover.
Buy now
The book set, as mentioned, will be loaded to other platforms this summer, but the price may be a bit higher as other platforms will, naturally, take their cut.
The stories included:
A Stroke of Dumb Luck
Bladed Magic
Blade Song
Proceed with Caution
Proceed with Caution isn’t a story, per se. It’s a collection of deleted scenes, character POVs and odd snippets that I’ve had tucked into various places. One of the deleted scenes is two chapters long and has never been seen by anybody.
Buy now

High Fives all around! Get your $5 reward!

New to #SamsungPay? http://smsng.us/payreferral Enter my code 3F3C7C before your 1st purchase to get $5 in rewards.


“This review is from: The Green’s Hill Novellas –Great background and addition to Green’s Hill!” is locked This review is from: The Green’s Hill Novellas –Great background and addition to Green’s Hill!

This review is from: The Green’s Hill Novellas (Kindle Edition)
One of the consistencies of Amy Lane’s Greens Hill stories is that they add depth to a world that is filled with magic and love but also tragedy and angst. These stories run the gamut and add depth to character’s that have been a part of the world in minor ways, with the exception of Adrian who is one of the fan favorites. The story of Whim and Charlie adds whimsy to the world we have all come to love and on our least favorite day, Lithia. I love you a******! Really changes the dynamic between Phillip and Marcus. While we all know their taste in women has never quite meshed, in the main novels none of us realize how much drama was behind the understanding that the two men are better together than apart. And Adrian’s story shows us where he resides when he is not stalking the goddess grove–And it’s nowhere you would expect! The fact that Adrian is still a quiet voice in the universe for love and redemption is a surprise to no one, and in fact is comforting. Adrain’s innate goodness shines through, although there is a little bit of sadness and regret as he watches the world move on. It is totally clear that, although his love for Cory and Green is still strong, he wishes that his death had not occurred. It’s hard to watch their lives go on. It is Important to read these before Quickening! So buy this collection and get to know Green’s Hill a little more intimately…
Green's Hill Novellas Book Cover Green's Hill Novellas
Little Goddess
Amy Lane
Paranormal Romance
DSP Publications; 2 edition
June 14, 2016

A Green's Hill Collection
Companion to the Little Goddess Series

Welcome to Green’s Hill, a small, secret collective of the fey, furry, and undead, existing unnoticed in the California foothills for over a hundred and fifty years. Whether your passion is exotic were-animals, angels, elves, or vampires, you can find them here—although things are changing on the hill.

Bound by love and honor, Cory, Green, and Adrian work to give their followers a home—but they have no idea that the effects of their true love will spread like ripples in a pond.

Be prepared for the unexpected, and ready for enchantment—you never know who will be awakened to the romantic possibilities of a vampire, a sorceress, or a pansexual elf who finds power in the force of love.

This anthology includes:

Litha's Constant Whim
It is on Litha that Whim meets Charlie, and their vows to return next Litha and finish what they started launch a thirteen-year tradition of celebration.
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2010.

I Love You, Asshole!
It's a good thing vampires live forever, because it might take Marcus that long to convince Phillip that gender lines are for the living.
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2011.

Guarding the Vampire's Ghost
An accident of divine politics has put Adrian, a twice-dead vampire, in heaven and under the care of angels Shepherd and Jefischa.
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2010.


How Watching Television has changed…

When I was a kid, tv was 3 channels- ABC,CbS, and NBC.  We had a Public Access channel too.  Then we got VCR’s which allowed us to record shows to watch later.  We also got Disney and Nickelodeon.  So fast forward a bit and we got VCRs which along with codes published in tv guide would automatically record shows for us.  The next step was Tivo and then we got to DVR Pay Per View and we are almost to today!  As I binge watched netflix over the past few days, I realized that its changed again.  Netflix is not even keeping up with the broadcast episodes-and we are not complaining! Why?


Hunt the Moon Chapter 26 & 27



I’m doing my review for both chapters (a) because I’m lazy and behind on my posts and (b) because I usually read these two chapters together anyway and I have trouble separating them in my mind.

Chapter 26 is is kind of a strange chapter, because you have such a contrast between what is happening and why it is happening.  Cassie and Pritkin have sex, and it’s very intimate, but the reason for it is because it’s the only way to save Pritkin’s life.  The contrast heightens the tension exponentially.  The whole chapter feels on edge – will this actually save Pritkin?  Will he go too far and kill Cassie by accident?  Will Caleb interfere?

And to make an already awful situation even more difficult, Rosier shows up and puts a compulsion on Cassie.  It’s kind of squicky, and he doesn’t help anything by saying “Let Daddy help”, but I appreciate that he wants to save his son.  It gets the job done, and that’s honestly the focus of both Cassie and Rosier at this point.

Okay, I admit – I am shipper trash enough to squee over Cassie and Pritkin having a sexual encounter.   But Chapter 27 moves us from the hot-but-dangerous sex to the emotional fallout.  And, oh man.  There is some serious fallout.

This is the chapter of emotional intimacy, and KC does not pull her punches.  I’m talking, of course, about the one and only shower hug scene.

*deep breath*

I don’t think there has been another scene with the emotional weight of this one.  KC has written dozens of other scenes that make me feel all the feelings, but this is the one that catches my attention before any of the others.  

Cassie and Pritkin are kind of literally and emotionally naked with each other, and KC shows us this with almost no dialogue.  In a few short paragraphs, we clearly see how much they care about each other and depend on each other, and not just in the saving-each-other way.  The depth of their trust in each other is so obvious here.  Both of them tend to repress a lot, but they don’t tend to hide from each other.  It’s a gorgeous scene, and one that I love to reread often.

Also, if you haven’t seen it, @pritkinsprettydick drew the shower hug and it’s perfect :D.

The whole thing about Caleb being there has always been vaguely squicky to me but a lot of Casskin sex scenes do have this discomforting edge to them? This dubcon element that’s not really either character’s fault, but which makes me uneasy when reading them, no matter how sexy the scene might be – it’s so tragic really, that they never get to be with each other just for the sake of being with each other. Well, so far. 

A side note though – Pritkin is aware that Cassie isn’t in a position to give informed consent and he tries really hard to avoid doing anything that might feel like a violation to her later (it doesn’t but I think Cassie is more okay with having her body used by other people than I would be). I’m not sure whether he could safely have waited for the influence to wear off, but the key thing for me is that he apologises later. Cassie may not feel that he did anything wrong, and he was forced into a situation where he had to make that choice, but I think, and I suspect Pritkin also thinks, that it’s still a choice he didn’t have the right to make. Idk, I just have weird and particular ideas about consent and autonomy. I don’t like people making choices for Cassie, especially as regards her body, but this particular instance of it bothers me less than say, that Mircass scene in TtD, because Pritkin didn’t compromise her ability to consent, Rosier did, and he also apologised for it later – he acknowledged that it wasn’t a good situation, even if it wasn’t his fault. (of course Pritkin isn’t always perfect when it comes to consent – his 18th century self had some Issues in that regard that I wanted to talk about in EtN but then I missed those chapters, so I’ll probably bring it up in RtW when it becomes relevant). 

I also appreciate that they get to have some serious fall out from this uncomfortable (albeit sexy) scene? They get to talk about their feelings, reaffirm an emotional connection, and they comfort each other. It’s wonderful. 

Anyway, I 100% agree about The Shower Hug. It’s emotional destruction on an epic scale. And you know what? I never picked up on the symbolism of them being naked (or mostly naked, in Cassie’s case). Pritkin’s at his most vulnerable physically and emotionally. Damn it! 

OK, So standard disclaimers apply…and you all know all of them 🙂 So, yes this is a really uncomfortable scene. You have got Pritkin unconscious and dying, war mages wanting to try magic and Cassie losing her everloving shit. For the first time ever the war mages actually listen to Cassie and let Caleb drive a dying Pritkin and wounded Cassie away. Rossier being there to help out yeah it’s squicky but given the state Pritkin is in and the state Cassie is in I’m glad Rossier stepped in. Yes it adds complications because Cassie’s consent is iffy, but in my opinion Cassie give’s consent when she starts the whole ball of wax arolling, so later consent is not really needed. She wanted to save Pritkin and by g-d she was saving his ass come hell or high water! Caleb’s freak out is annoying as hell but we need Caleb to know about Pritkin later so it works for me.
I’m a little disappointed in Pritkin here. (cue screaming from others on Tumblr) Once he is healed enough to actually take control of the sex he is still not willing to let Cassie in at all. Cassie trusts him to not kill her but he doesn’t and he doesn’t want to get any more vulnerable to Cassie and so he limits it to oral sex and her orgasm.
I love the fact that Karen Chance doesn’t allow Pritkin to withdraw and distance. I love the fact that after the life and death sex or die Cassie is able to be Pritkins’s emotional support in the shower. That’s more important than the sex in some ways. cassie is not letting Pritkin distance himself from her and withdraw or take the fault for this…Cassie is not going to let him make this a reason to withdraw further or add it to his noble reasons to withdraw from the field. I think this whole thing shows Cassie growing into her power. making the war mages do what she wants, making Caleb listen, bossing Rossier and Pritkin around and still declaring her independence from Mircea (don’t forget that all of this started with the rebellion and pizza)…as an aside to that given that Pritkin just told Cassie in their comical conversation over pizza there will be no more sexual healing slip ups leads to the most sexual of their healing slip ups…can anyone say irony?
I am tired and my brain is stalling so this will be my two cents for a while…Please feel free to argue with me, as all of our perspectives make the reread all the more fun


Why do all the BIG Books come out on the same day…

OK, So I finally pulled my head out of the Chanceverse and looked around only to realize a whole slew of Book Birthdays were yesterday (for those of us not gifted with huge netgalley accounts, grumble grumble)!  But now I have a problem-which do I read first?  So I thought I would lay out my deliberations here, and maybe give some suggestions in the process…

Book One is Wicked Abyss by Kresley Cole.  This is our yearly installment in the Immortals After Dark series.  We got a spin-off novel a little while ago with Shadow’s Seduction which was a long awaited book with two very familiar characters.  I am excited to see where we are going with Nix’s jump into the insanity pool (if you don’t read the series, this will make no sense at all) but I don’t know these characters yet.  Hopefully they will end up as lovable as Jo and Rune but I really don’t know if I am following where Nix’s train is heading…it seemed to jump the tracks a bit…

Book two is Snared by Jennifer Estep This is book 16 in the Elemental Assassin series and promises to be an interesting read.  Gin Blanco the assassin we all love so very much is trying to unravel the conspiracy that revolves around her Mother and the mysterious Circle.  Estep always delivers a great story and I never have to worry about where it’s going because we all know there will be heartbreak and our Assassin with a Heart will save the day or extract vengeance…

Book 3 is Blade Bound by Chloe Neill- This one promises to be a heartbreaker as it’s the last of the Chicagoland Vampires series…I can’t imagine how this series can end- I mean Ethan already died and came back to undeadness…And there’s all the subplots that just can’t be ending SOB SOB …

SO where do I go? Who do I start with?


World Book Day

Happy world book day!  Take a moment to thank your favorite authors for working so hard throughout the year to bring us wonderful worlds to visit and strong heroes and heroines!   @LKHamilton @AuthorCFeehan @Jennifer_Estep @seananmcguire @laurendane @shilohwalker @VickiPettersson @JRWard1 @kenyonsherrilyn @diannalove @NoraRoberts @JayminEve1 @karenchance @KelleyArmstrong @KFBreene @debradunbar Jt ELLISON @LarissaIone @lara_adrian @kresleycole @LarissaIone @pccastauthor @KCastAuthor @jacquelinecarey @RichelleMead @rachelcaine @Darynda @YasmineGalenorn @JCareyAuthor @shilohwalker @jennablack @ShannonMayer @KendraElliot, @MelindaLeigh, @PCornwellFans @1pcornwell @WendyPiniMasque @wendyandrichardpini, @SarahFine, @amylane , @CarrieVaughan1 @marjoriemliu , @kelleygay @KellyKeaton @elfquest @skyewarren2381 @meredithwild @chloeneill , @JanieneFrost, @christinewarre , @katiemacalister, @NaliniSingh @wildmeredith, @GenaShowalter, @AmyLane, @Karen Chance @LaurenDane


Midnight’s Daughter ch3-4


some thoughts:

– I like how LC and Dory just have such instant chemistry. Much and all as I love a slow burn relationship, the immediate connection they have is undeniably fun. The sexy teasing, the fighting, the caring about each other way too much way too quickly, like I said before, it just draws you in right away.

– these chapters introduce us to my favourite location in the entire chanceverse, Uncle Pip’s house. I love enchanted buildings, and the portals, the ley lines, the house with a personality, the incredible hulk cats – they’re so much FUN, so vivid and alive.

– I enjoy Dory’s pragmatism. For all that she’s always ready to fight, she has no problem cutting and running when necessary either.
