Tag: books

CtD, ch18-20


Time for another cvgr speed commentary, body swap edition. The body swap is definitely my favourite part of this book and possibly one of my all time favourite sequences in the entire series. I’d pay big money for Pritkin’s POV while he was in Cassie’s body (if only Karen was on Patreon or something …) because this whole thing is just so funny, so messed up and touching and weirdly sexy at times. Pretty much typical Cassie Palmer right?

– chapter eighteen – Cassie’s initial reaction to Pritkin in her body is pretty hysterical. “I sounded like a very pissed off little girl.” Pritkin’s reaction to being in the wrong body is probably close to what mine would be like – shocked, appalled etc. His accent staying more or less the same makes sense I guess? Accents aren’t necessarily ingrained at a muscle memory level, we can change them very easily. Him keeping any metaphysical abilities he has, like good shields etc also makes sense because we know they’re a mental manipulation of the body’s magic.

– chapter nineteen – much and all as I love that Pritkin kicks ass even when in Cassie’s body – why is it so hot when he shoots people?? I definitely have issues – I would question the fact that his hand-eye coordination seems to have transferred along with his spirit. Cassie’s aim is far to bad to take that many people out with that kind of precision, right? I guess they were in close enough quarters that it didn’t matter. Anyway, I like our introduction to Jonas Marsden. It’s appropriately off key. I also like the way KC prepares the way for important introductions like this long before they ever happen – in Jonas’ case, we’ve already heard about him back in CbS. This is why I never trust what seems like random rambling, or irrelevant details in these books because they always, always come back in some way. This chapter also features the usual top Casskin banter – their arguments about the coffee and the training sessions are so fricking married, like for real, get a room.

– chapter twenty – more Casskin marriedness, their every interaction kills me. Cassie rubbing Pritkin’s back while he gets sick is just so weirdly cute? I mean I know it’s a pretty gross situation, but that’s what makes it so couple-y, that rather than being grossed out at all by Pritkin throwing up, Cassie’s instinct is to take care of him. Everything they do HURTS ME. ALSO ALSO I am not the only one who thinks they’re acting like a couple because Jonas very obviously thinks they’re together, see how surprised he is when Cassie doesn’t want to share a bed with Pritkin. More reasons to love the body swap – the classic line, “No Miss Palmer, what is bizarre is that I currently have a vagina.” I’ve been laughing at that comment since 2009. But great and all as that moment is, nothing but NOTHING will ever top Cassie waking up in Pritkin’s body with a hard on. Her panic at the whole situation is so completely believable and entirely hilarious, but at that the same time, it’s a weirdly erotic scene. She’s just so aware of his body, it brings out her latent attraction to him: “He’d be strong” is so hot I might evaporate. Also, we should start doing a group read drinking game – take a sip every time Cassie describes Pritkin’s hands, take a shot every time she talks about how green his eyes are and finish your drink if she mentions his hair being soft and/or terrible. Or maybe we should not play that game, because it sounds like a quick route to alcohol poisoning. For real though, Cassie has SUCH a crush, it’s killing me. And to top it all off, Pritkin knows exactly what she’s suffering and he thinks it’s hilarious. What a little bastard, I love him.

Ok, SO I know you are in love with Pritkin.  I get that.  I’m all for anyone who connects with the story in any way.  But I have a little bit of a different read on all this.  SO rather than assume that everyone knows whats going on in my head, I’m gonna spell it out.

Cassie is a young woman.  And despite the fact that she is pretty kick ass even from the beginning she hasn’t had a lot of experience with men.  Remember, that her very first sexual experience is IN Louis-Caesar.  and he was already, um, well very engaged in the sex act.  The geis has made sure that she’s married and has to have a three way with two people- I just said that sentence three times and it still doesn’t sound right, before she has had a chance to find her sexual feet.  

And Cassie didn’t start off in the “easy” dating pool-oh no she had to go for the biggest, baddest, most combustible men- First there’s Tomas, although he is pretty tame by comparison to the later love interests, he is a first level vamp, who was strong enough to play human for Cassie for 6 months and challenge the CONSUL of THE LATIN AMERICAN SENATE.  And he is her first sexual partner, although its rushed and co-opted by Apollo.  Then, there’s Mircea Basarab who has been the right arm of the Consul for a very long time-and it goes back to when he was a Prince in Romania.  And if you read Masks, he trained to become a great lover of vampires.

And, John Pritkin is half incubus too.  And he has had lots of experience before Rossier got his hands on her.  SO for Cassie, this body swap is in many ways a revelation.  It’s the first time that she has a sexual experience that is free of the heavyweights that are in her bed.  She doesn’t even get to masturbate without participation with Mircea via his mind skills.  And suddenly, shes in a male body.  And she gets to explore it, without anyone else rushing her,  

But even that gets ruined by Pritkin’s knowing smile and interruption.  SO I look at it as more about Cassie.  And damn does she deserve the time to learn about pleasure- although from inside one of the men is a little bit weird but hey it’s a pythia thing!  And what I loved most about the whole body swap was the whole thing AFTER they got back to Dante’s.  When Mircea kisses Cassie in Pritkin’s body….and the whole battle confusion and the run through the wild west and the way the body swap fucks Saunders up…

So that’s my two cents.  Sorry if you don’t like it.  Tell me where I’m wrong, ok?

New Karen Chance News!!!!

The Cassandra Palmer Series by Karen Chance


So, I’m supposed to be finishing up “Lover’s Knot”, a freebie Dory novella, only Penguin needs the fourth Dory novel in earlier than expected, and you know, I have to eat. So, in the meantime, I thought I’d do a couple of things to keep you guys busy. First, about the next Dory book, tentatively entitled Shadow’s Bane. That title hasn’t been approved yet, by the way, so may end up changing. Call it a working title for now. Anyway, you can find the first few chapters on the Books page, under the not-a-cover I’ve got there as a placeholder until the real one is finished. Enjoy!

Secondly, since I have a lot of “Lover’s Knot” already written, I thought I’d post a chapter a week of the finished stuff (unedited) for anybody who wants it now. The first post will go up late today. It’ll be on the Freebies page as usual. For those of you who’d prefer to wait and read the whole, edited, spit and polished version, just avoid the weekly posts. I’ll make a note on the blog and FB etc. when the finished novella is up on Amazon and Smashwords, and you can download the whole thing then. Okay? Okay. I gotta go write; you guys have a nice week. 🙂


Some Thoughts on Cassie

So, I got two of my friends who read the same kind of stuff that I do to start the Karen Chance books.  And they, of course love them…But, they are working their way slowly though them.  They have almost caught up to the reread. They obviously don’t compulsively read like I do.  I swear to g-d text to speech was an evil invention.  I used to have to put the book down to do things like brush my teeth, wash my hair, or cook.  Now, I have headphones or a stupid bluetooth speaker.  Although it does allow my children to get more regular meals that DO NOT revolve around Laurell K Hamilton or Karen Chance’s publishing schedule…

So, I keep getting these hysterical texts as things happen in the Cassie Palmer world.  From random questions to OMG.  And of late, I’ve been getting a lot of the OMG variety.  They have gotten to the geis and the trip to Fairie.  And then to the final duel with Dracula.  And I found myself laughing last night at the following text:

OMG Bram Stoker was a Human Servant! WTF! Then, awww so the incubus waited all that time for Dracula? How sweet

My response to the last was Have you ever read Dracula? OK, not sure where I was going with all that…Just chalk it up to my random tangent

But back to my original message, or at least thought.  Cassie is not a victim. Sometimes, we forget that she ran away at 14 and returned, of her own volition, to make Tony pay.  And then lived in a house with Vampires while she worked tirelessly to destroy what Tony loved most: his money.  And hid it.  And then ran with government protection.  She survived the death of her governess.  and then ran successfully for three years.  I gotta say, she’s got some chops.  That’s at the beginning.

She’s got a voice and she learns to use it.  Everyone wants control of her, but somehow, she ends up with a family that includes everyone from the crazy incubus Cassanova to Marco to Pritkin to, yes, Mircea!  She takes the guards who come to her and makes them HERS.  Cassie is never going to be Agnes.  Agnes was raised in the system and a part of it.  And her life was compartmentalized, even though she fell in love with her body guard, Jonas.  and oh what a love that must have been-  Ley line racing and trips though time.  But when we see Agnes in other times, she’s alone.  And a secret pregnancy to boot!  Cassie knows how to hide.  She knows how to run.  She knows how to win. 

Yes, she sometimes gets buffeted by the strong winds of the personalities around her.  And remember, we are in her head.  And sometimes we get her insecurities bleeding through.  But no matter what comes, she copes as best she can.  And that’s better than 99% of the population!  She learns, she quietly assimilates.  She fucking conquers!  Her life is messy.  I can’t see her making her life fit in boxes.  I can’t see her without Mircea’s family, which is becoming hers.  I have this image in my head of some of the mansions in Vegas.  The really awesome ones that have every possible luxury and themed bedrooms.  Almost like an MTV tricked out house for Real World.  But I can’t see Cassie, Tami and the kids from the schools living quietly in the suburbs with a mixed security force of vamps and mages.  I don’t know where I see her, but…


Feast’s Famine by Debra Dunbar

I really enjoy all of Debra Dunbar’s works.  She has a unique voice.  I don’t think any of the characters from any of her series would have occurred to me in a million years, but they work.  There are 2 main series that she writes and they are completely different worlds.  Her Imp world series follows the bizarre and sometimes slightly bad but always hilarious life of Samantha Martin, a low level imp from hell who just wants to slip under the radar and somehow manages to attract the attention of the archangels and end up in charge of Hell.  And yeah that sentence was as bizarre as it sounded.  That would ends up incorporating all kinds of other creatures, from elves who decided to live in hell after the big war, to nephilim (children of an angel and a human and totally illegal) to vampires.  And so there are a few spin-offs from that world, and all are worth a read.  I promise you will laugh at things that make no sense outside of the context of the story-I learned that the hard way.  I tried to share a couple of quotes with people and got horrified looks.  SO, I just recommend the books now, I don’t even try to explain them.  But that is only one of the series Debra writes.  

SO on, to the second series, which Feast’s Famine is the 4th book of.  This is the Templar series, and much like the Imp series they revolve around a young woman heroine.  These books revolve around  Solaria Ainsworth, who was raised in a family of Knights Templar.  The Knights Templar are holy warriors, blessed by god to protect the temple, its artifacts and the pilgrims on the path to salvation.  And they have done this for a long time and built up huge libraries of vast knowledge and they are bound to help all those who seek them out.  They have grown rich by protecting and preserving their charges.  And Solaria has been raised to become a knight, which means that she has been trained in swords and fighting in all styles.  But when it comes, time to take her place among the others, she balks.  And ends up living in Baltimore, working in a coffee shop.  And through a series of events, ends up involved with mages and vampires and all kinds of supernatural craziness and LARPing too!  Solaria ends up becoming the Templar protecting the city of Baltimore in her spare time and involved with the vampires too!

Feast’s Famine is the fourth book in the series and delivers the same pace of crazy events.  It opens with a medieval tournament and speeds along from there.  There is a disease demon in Baltimore and he’s created a unique disease along with all the usual suspects, including the Black Plague.  This disease causes a person to have insatiable hunger.  And the group of humans that have been infected are willing blood donors to the vampires, and this virus can infect the vampires too! And vampires with insatiable hunger could cut quite a swath across a modern city.  

This creates an urgency to Aria’s investigation.  And it doesn’t help that she has finally crossed the line into an inter species sexual relationship with Dario, a powerful vampire.  It’s a fun read and a great addition to the series!


Repost of Ride the Storm review

By Clare Kidwell-Arnese 

Ride the Storm Book Review: I received an ARC (advanced readers copy) from Karen Chance in exchange for writing a spoiler free review and that’s going to be difficult let me tell you because this book is 608 pages of non-stop action, plot twists and fantastic dialog! When this book comes out on August 1st don’t buy one copy, BUY TWO; you’ll need them because this book is so good you wont be able to put it down even for a minute! Your children will run amok, you’ll burn dinner two nights in a row, the dog will stare forlornly at you from next to his leash and your husband will wonder if you’ve finally lost your mind because you will bump into walls walking with the book in front of your face; you’ll trip over shoes and toys and forget to eat because you cant stop! You have to find out what happens on the next page!! And that second copy? you need it for when you inevitably take the book to the bath tub after the children are in bed and you drop the first one because NO! THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN!! 😀 Karen Chance is a Master wordsmith and proves it once again with book 8 in the Cassandra Palmer series. Her writing just gets better and better. If there were a Senate of Authors, Chance would be the Consul. Her words are that powerful; the action scenes so intense you’ll find yourself leaping up from the couch or pacing frantically around the room as you devour them because you can feel them right down to your bones. You just know if you don’t move, leap right along with them, do SOMETHING they might not make it! Like one of Cassie’s visions you are sucked in and jerked along for a 600 page tornado ride that sucks everything from the first 8 books up in its maw and spins them wildly, throwing everything you thought you knew in a whole new light and nothing will ever be the same, and you’ll love every minute of it!!!! The only thing I can say is Bring on Book 9!!!! After riding this Storm I can’t wait for MORE!!!!!




Posted on goodreads bc Amazon would not let me for some fucking reason. So, *ahem*….

Bought ARC through Read the Pixels event.

Absolutely great book. Let’s start there. This is the second half of the previous book that, due to length, the publisher forced Ms. Chance to break in 2. Ride the Storm is over 600 pages, not a quick read. Whereas the last book set up everything with only a few bits of plot resolved, this book went forward in leaps and bounds. It was fast paced and detailed. There is betrayal and heartbreak, revelations about her parents and others in her life. We meet new characters that may forever change the dynamics Cassie has with the Circle and Jonas. New allies are picked up along the way and Cassie puts in motion ways to protect her old ones from “friendly fire”. I absolutely loved this book…..BUT it does take a while to get several big story arcs concluded. There were a few times that I felt there were extra pages and details that seemed superfluous to the point while reading I had wished the author was able to combine one of two events so to trim down a hundred pages. Overall a good 4 out of 5 stars. It would have been 4.5 out of 5 but the small cliff hanger at the end (set up like the ones in the early books) was annoying especially since it relates to one of the main story arcs that had only partially resolved. The ambiguity made me want to grind my teeth.

I highly recommend this book to read especially if you were upset about the lack of resolution in the previous book.

***Mild spoiler below****

This book will nearly resolve the love triangle. I say nearly because the small cliff hanger at the end implies complications that may hinder her choice. It may not be what you expect or what you hoped for.

Ok, so this is helpful…of course for those of us who have been waiting a long time, we kinda knew most of that.  Given that Karen has been diligently plugging away at the publisher for a long time…I would have been shocked if it was LESS than 600 pages.  And given that Karen isn’t sure of publishing another one…well the cliff hanger is gonna suck!  No, honestly…



Happy Passover from the White House. Sean Spicer claims Hitler “didn’t use chemical weapons on his own people.” Uh, GAS CHAMBERS anyone? Or are we reading Richard Spencer’s history books now? 

This is what happens when you elect white nationalists and the alt. reich to run the country.

U.S. readers, register to vote here.


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Revisionist history is bound to be repeated.  Learn our lessons, please!


Favourite Cassie moment


My absolute favourite in the series has to be the revelation at the end of Hunt the Moon. It suddenly made everything fall into place and make sense, and rounded off a topic both highly relevant to the plot and very important to Cassie.

“My power wasn’t some alien thing, I thought, watching the sky in wonder. It wasn’t borrowed from another or stolen from a better candidate. There was no better candidate; there never would be. It had flowed away from Myra as soon as it saw me, like the tide when the moon comes out. Because it was mine—it was mine; it knew it was mine.” – Karen Chance, Hunt the Moon.

The revelation had such a cathartic, enlightening effect (literally enlightening too, note KC’s pathetic fallacy in relation to the Moon in the scene), and as Cassie’s thoughts summarize, she has finally understood her place in the world, accepted her role as her own, and found herself. Such an amazingly pivotal moment, coming so surprisingly late in the series (book 5!), it really raises huge questions as to what other major bombshells the series has in store.

I view the whole series as Cassie learning who she is.  i don’t agree with all the romance people who see the triangle and root for one person or the other.  Cassie is who I root for.  And Cassie has a completely unique viewpoint.  And as Cassie grows into her own, she going to keep making choices that make people mad.  But in this book she realizes, finally, that it isn’t about the party or the dress, or even who her mother is.  Its about her.  Its about finding that one place to stand.  If you die, you die.  But Cassie is the Pythia.  Period.  End of Report.  F*ck everyone else.  and we see more of that in the later books…I can’t wait to see what happens next.  And I totally root for Cassie when she says that she isn’t releasing anyone from their pledges and no one is dying for her damn it!


Cassie and Dorina’s meeting

“And, at the moment, some fuzzy blue stains that glooped along until they hit the mantel. And then flowed along its massive carved shelf until they fell off the other side. I blinked at them for a moment, and then wobbled over. They hadn’t waited. By the time I got there, they’d traversed the entire length of the room and disappeared. But before that, they’d gotten a little clearer for a moment. And instead of random blobs, they’d formed themselves into a vaguely person-shaped thing, with a distinct head, torso, and a couple smaller bits that might have been arms or tentacles. I supposed the former was more likely, but considering where I was, I wasn’t ruling out the latter. But here’s hoping , I thought, and stuck my head in the fireplace. Or, more accurately, through the fireplace, because the bastard wasn’t really there. It shouldn’t have surprised me—what does a vampire really And now that I thought about it, I vaguely recalled the consul vanishing into one the last time I was here, when she’d thought I was too out of it to notice. Like I had just done. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dark, and then to notice that I was standing in a corridor, surrounded by a wedge of hazy light. It was coming from a filmy ward over the surface of a square opening in the wall. The fireplace, I assumed, which was apparently just for camouflage. I could see the whole room from here, including the bed, which was creepy. But not as creepy as another light monster coming my way. What is this, Grand Central? I thought, staring stupidly at the haze for a second, which was getting rapidly brighter. And then I stumbled quickly in the opposite direction.  It wasn’t exactly a run, because running into utter blackness isn’t fun, and I wasn’t really up to it right now anyway. The best I could manage was a shuffle, with a hand on the wall for balance. But at least there was nothing to trip over, because nobody had bothered about decoration in here. It was just a concrete floor, cold against my bare feet, and an equally cold blank wall. Or it was until a reddish light started coming toward me from the other direction. I turned around, but the purple light monster was still there and still coming up strong behind me, judging by the way shadows were jumping on the ceiling. Well , s hit , I thought, backing up, trying to get a wall behind me. Which would have worked better if there had been one there. But my reaching hand found only air, just my ears registered a difference in the echo. I was standing in front of another opening. my head spinning, so I didn’t see much as the blobs passed by outside. Just flickers of different colors strobing in through the opening for a second. And then they were gone and everything was dark again. Except for something that gleamed to the far right of the room, displacing a tiny bit of dark. My eyes fixed on it, and after a moment, it came into focus. It was a candle. I felt my spine relax, and I let out a breath I hadn’t noticed I was holding. It was sitting on a small table by a bed. The bed was big and old-fashioned, with a canopy and curtains to close it off from the cold—and the consul’s spy tunnel, I assumed. It was the sort that had gone out of style with humans when things like central heating came into vogue, but had retained its popularity in the vampire community due to offering added protection from the sun. Of course, that wasn’t needed here. A windowless room inside a vampire stronghold was about as far from sunlight as it was possible to get. But the bed was there anyway. So it probably belonged to one of the older vamps, who tended to be more traditional. And who probably wouldn’t be thrilled to wake up and find a dhampir looming over him or her. I paused, because the last thing I needed was another fight. And if whoever was in there was old, they were probably also powerful and well rested and I…was not. So it might not just be inconvenient. I should go back to bed. kill him for five centuries and had usually ended up dead instead. He was fine and I didn’t even know that this was his room and he was fine . I moved closer. What the hell, feet? I thought, but the feet didn’t comment. Except to send up happy signals about the squashiness of the rugs and the smoothness of the wooden patches in between them. Which were brief because it looked like somebody had mugged a caravan in here, with a dozen priceless rugs scattered carelessly around. But at least they muffled my steps, not that I was worrying about it by the time I got halfway across the room. Because along with fine leather and old books and the faint smokiness of the candle was an even fainter scent. Dark and musky and piney and— “Mircea.” He was lying on his side, pale and cold and white, and for a second, my heart stopped. Until I told myself not to be stupid. He was a vampire . And when they rest, they don’t always bother to keep up appearances. Especially if they need their strength for other things. But I didn’t breathe again until I bent over him, and brushed fine strands of loose, dark hair off his face. And saw beautiful pale features, which unlike mine had been cleaned up. And vampires don’t waste time on corpses that aren’t going to rise again. So if he was here— could repair anything to do with the mind. Couldn’t he? I glanced around. It would help if he had eaten, but if so, dinner had already departed. I frowned at that. What if he woke up hungry? What if his mental abilities were impaired after everything that had happened? Why the hell was nobody here? The guy was a goddamned senator. Didn’t he rate a nurse? I glanced at the door, and thought about raising some hell, even if it got me kicked back to my room. Or into a cell, more likely, because no way was Marlowe just letting me walk out of here. The number of guards had said that much. But, of course, Mircea did rate a nurse, he rated a whole roomful of them. So if he was alone, it was by choice. But I still didn’t like it. What if that thing was still around here somewhere? What if it attacked him again? Only it wouldn’t, would it? If Radu was right and it hadn’t been Dorina, then it was almost certainly someone with a vested interest in my not recalling what happened on that pier. And that meant if it came back for anyone, it would be me. I felt my lips draw back from my teeth slightly. Good. It would save me the trouble of having to track it the hell down. Because I would. The son of a bitch had hurt Mircea. And nobody got to do that but me. I stared at him a moment longer, but he wasn’t looking real conversational. I shoved my hand through my hair, then cupped it on the back of my neck. The muscles were so tense there, it felt like I could flick a thumb against my nape and hear it twang. Like feel like leaving, even though there was no reason to stay. Mircea was already in a healing trance, judging by the fact that he hadn’t woken up as soon as I came in the room. He didn’t need medical help, beyond what he could give himself, and as for mental… Well, whatever abilities I had were locked up with my other half, and she wasn’t talking. But I still didn’t feel like going anywhere. Mircea’s hand slipped off the sheet, to the mattress at his side. I started to pick it up, to put it back in place. And then I stopped, my fingers hovering a few inches above his. Even in a healing trance, something like a touch might wake a master. In fact, on some level, he was probably already awake, at least enough to have identified me as not posing a threat. But a touch might set off alarms, might make him wonder if he’d identified correctly. And I didn’t want that. Mircea often managed to run circles around me in conversation even when I wasn’t about to fall over. We needed to talk, about a lot of things, about a lifetime of things. But this wasn’t the time. And then there was the fact that this was…nice. Odd, because I could never remember being with him without having my hackles up, without being tense and guarded and watchful. I had, of course; that scene in Venice proved that. But it had seemed almost…surreal. That girl with her bare toes and her candy-thieving ways and her obvious adoration of her equally adoring father…it just…I couldn’t… I pulled my hand back. wasn’t an expression I’d seen very often. Or ever, actually. But then, maybe he’d never had much to be relaxed about. I wondered what it had been like for him, in those early years. For someone trained his whole life to be the leader, the provider, the protector, to suddenly be unable to do any of those things. To be a prince without a country, or a treasury, or an army—or even a body he could understand. Because his exile had come at the same time that he’d been dealing with this whole new existence that had been foisted onto him. He’d gone from having everything to having nothing, almost overnight. And yet, somehow he’d managed. And in Venice, of all places, which had been a snake pit of vampire intrigue, back in the day. And not only managed, but taken care of others at the same time. I won’t always be weak.… And he never had been. He never— I swallowed and blinked back tears. God, I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me. That attack must have messed me up more than I’d thought. Then I decided to hell with it and leaned over, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. And heard a softer sound behind me. I turned abruptly, because I hadn’t heard the door open. But it must have, because dinner was waiting on the threshold. Tonight’s tasty morsel was young and pale, with messy blond curls and unsettling bright blue eyes. They looked a little unfocused, like she was looking both through me and at me at the same time. She was a little creepy. She was also useless right now. “He doesn’t need you,” I told her, clutching at my sheet, which what he needs.” She just stood there, her mouth hanging open. I thought there was a chance that she might be a little slow. “You can go,” I repeated. “Vamoose, amscray, make like a tree. Do you get it?” “Yeah.” The voice had gone flat, cold. “I get it.” And then the next thing I knew, I was sitting all alone in the middle of a field filled with mud and some very startled cows. Who weren’t half as startled as I was. I got up, slid on a cow pie and went back down, landing in a puddle and splattering mud everywhere . And somewhere far off, like an echo of an echo, I could swear I heard someone laughing.  The fuck ?” #Karen Chance, Fury’s Kiss


Wanted to Recommend Some Series to Make the Wait Better

So, for all my fellow fans out there rereading series over and over while waiting for the next book in any of our series–here are some series you may or may not know about yet…

Lauren Dane- Goddess with a Blade series.  This is an ongoing PNR with a female kickass protagonist who is a vessel for the goddess Brighid.  It has all the usual suspects, but a unique take on it.  Lauren Dane is working on the next book now.  She has other Paranormal series that are good as well, but this is my favorite

Shiloh Walker-The Hunters Series and The Grimm Circle books.  Both are unique takes on the original archetypes.  She also writes a more urban series under the penname J.C. Daniels about a really cool heroine Kit Colbana who is a member of a unique species called the Aneira.  

Seanan Mcguire-October Daye, Incryptid and Indexing series–This has sarcasm in spades and all 3 are incredible stories.  She also writes under the penname Mira Grant.

Kelley Armstrong-Cainsville (unique story based on celtic archetypes) and Casey Duncan Series (murder mysteries, sort of)

Karen Chance- Cassandra Palmer and Dorina Basarab series…a unique take on the usual Paranormal types.  Focuses on time travel and is non stop action with a humorous take

Jacqueline Carey-Kushiels series More traditional fantasy with a lot of religious imagery and a lot of sex and violence Very good, and was around before PNR was a thing
