Tag: books

A chance to read a great book for free! 


I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site bestbooklover.net and at the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BestBooklovernet-336745780072074/

If you want to help support this website, donations are accepted at paypal.me/Bestbooklover/

Review Of Karen Chance’s Ride the Storm

I have long been a fan of Karen Chance’s body of work.  I am a loyal fan and have remained undaunted in the face of all the machinations of the publisher and publishing machine.  Karen Chance has long kept the faith with her readers.  She often offers free stories that add to her published works to create a more complex, multifaceted and fulfilling world in which all her novels take place.  Readers who only read the novels from the publishing house lose a lot of the details and the joy of seeing the characters in multiple lights.  All that being said, Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer novel Ride the Storm has been one of the most anticipated novels in my memory.  This is not the fault of Karen Chance and that cannot be said firmly enough.  The publishing house has been moving dates on this novel for over a year with little to no explanation.

The previous book, Reap the Wind was judged too long by the publisher when submitted by the author.  This led to a quick rewrite and the split of the book almost in half.  This also left an unfulfilled feeling at the end of Reap the Wind.  Many plotlines were left hanging, which left some readers unhappy and the continuous manipulation by the publishers with moving dates and little communication lost even more of the fan base.  Ride the Storm is the second half of the previous book with a little bit of newer information which furthers the plot of the Cassandra Palmer novels.

I was recently asked by a friend to explain the Cassie Palmer novels and I drew a bit of a blank—how do you explain such a complicated and multifaceted storyline as the one Karen Chance has created?  I told her she just needs to read it and we will talk about it once she has.  To say that all of the Cassie Palmer novels are fast paced is kind of like saying a quadruple shot espresso is a little bit energizing.  These books move along at a frenetic pace and always have plot twists that are unexpected to say the least.  It is impossible to have predicted where the main characters end up at the beginning of this book, let alone at the end of the book.

So much happens in this book to move the plot along that after reading it 3 times, I am still finding new details to enjoy.  This is not a book to start when you have a deadline coming up or really anything planned.  Depending on your reading speed and availability, you should plan to be unavailable until you can finish the book.  This is not one you are going to want to put down as there are no really good stopping places.  My recommendation is to start it on a Friday so you can have the weekend to take a break from reality and a trip into the Cassandra Palmer universe.

This book brings resolution to a lot of the ongoing plot lines that readers have been gnashing their teeth to know.  We find out why MIrcea is so interested in Pythias.  We get to see Pritkin rescued.  We get to see Cassie find her feet and establish her own space independent of all the forces tearing at her. We learn more about Cassie’s parents.  Dorina and Cassie finally meet. We go careening through the story and learn so much along the way that it’s hard to even begin to summarize it so I am not going to even try.   Despite this, there is a seeming resolution to the love triangle between Cassie, Mircea and Pritkin but it is open ended enough that I see it more as an affirmation of the fact that Cassie has complicated emotions and feelings for both men.

This book is a solid addition to the Cassandra Palmer world and yet leaves a lot of storylines open for more exploration.  It is my sincere hope that Karen Chance continues to publish Cassandra Palmer books for a very long time.  In order for that to happen, fans have to not only buy this book, but review it.  Talk about it with friends and build it up so that the publishers contract with Karen Chance for more Cassie Palmer books.

I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site bestbooklover.net and at the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BestBooklovernet-336745780072074/

In the interest of full disclosure, I received an ARC ebook in return for this review.

Ride the Storm Book Cover Ride the Storm
Cassandra Palmer
Karen Chance
August 1, 2017

The New York Times bestselling author of Reap the Wind returns to the “fascinating world”* of Cassie Palmer. Ever since being stuck with the job of pythia, the chief seer of the supernatural world, Cassie Palmer has been playing catch up. Catch up to the lifetime's worth of training she missed being raised by a psychotic vampire instead of at the fabled pythian court. Catch up to the powerful, and sometimes seductive, forces trying to mold her to their will. It's been a trial by fire that has left her more than a little burned. But now she realizes that all that was the just the warm up for the real race. Ancient forces that once terrorized the world are trying to return, and Cassie is the only one who can stop them...


A Way to See My Opinion on Things Other Than Books



Random Thoughts some will be of Great Importance, others not so much… 

Fist, an apology of sorts.  I went radio silent for the last little bit of time.  There are many reasons for this, but I am only going to bore you with a few of them:

1. I went on a trip with my deceased husband’s family.  We do this every year since Jerome died.   We all go somewhere for a week-his parents and grandparents, Me and my girls, his brother and his wife and kids and his sister and her husband.  For the past two  years we have been  going to a remote home in the smoky mountains, which is in a gully, beside a river.  But there is no cell service and internet is only available from midnight to 5 am.  So I wasn’t able to publish anything… I did a lot of reading and will be catching up on reviews here really soon. 

2.  I have had some family drama and my head space has been an ugly place to be in and I didn’t want to taint anyone else

3.  I asked for help with seo and this was a huge mistake on my part.  I have been flooded with calls and emails yelling me how awful my sight was and how they needed to fix it.  For an exorbitant price.  And after explaining what I envisioned for the website over and over to people who just couldn’t get it through their heads that I am  not an expert commerce site.  I would be thrilled if anyone clicked to give me a coffee or a PayPal donation, both of those links are in here somewhere. 

4.  I have been drifting a bit and lost focus on  what I was doing with this site.  And I have been watching with a morbid fascination as a publishing house baffles and confuses a loyal group of fans for a major author.  It’s like someone read the cliff notes version of the series, randomly selected a Character to be the second main character in a long running and popular book series.  And it’s not even in all the books, this second main chatacter.  I think you guys all know who and what I am talking about, if not here is a big clue, she recently scrapped her release for 2017 and told her fans it will be sometime in 2018 before book is out. 

I think from what I’ve read in blog posts that there is a mismatch between the editor (who has  recently come onto the scene) and the author.  At least that’s what it seems like to me.  And I have seen this particular publishing house do something similar to one of my favorite authors to talk about, Karen Chance. 

But now for the good News! Karen Chance released a new Dorina Book, Lover’s Knot.  She had been issuing it a chapter at a time but now the full book is out and available as a freebie on amazon and smashwords… So what are you waiting for.. Go get it..! 


Buy this Special Edition and Support an Awesome Writer!

Hello My friends…This is one of my favorite authors and I hope you will help her out by buying this special edition…
I also have a little secret I’ve been keeping…You might just recognize the character Elizabeth, HMMMM wonder if she could be based on a certain Elizabeth who loves these books as much as I do…
From recent newsletter…
News from Shiloh
Kit’s Five
Blade Song – Special Edition
Kit was introduced to the world five years ago.
HBA few months ago, a special group of readers helped me introduce Damon’s side of the story. When I started the Patreon platform, the original intent was that the short stories written for my patrons would be specifically for them.
A few months ago, my life was very much different.
Not only has my father moved in with me, but my sister in law and two of her kids have moved in with us.
My household has…well, grown exponentially, while my income has dropped. As many of you know, Samhain Publishing and Ellora’s Cave are no longer in business and I’ve yet to sell another trilogy so funds are…tight.
I talked things over with the readers who have opted to become patrons, because I started bouncing an idea around.
Kit’s five, after all. (And what a mouthy five year old she is…). It should be celebrated.
I had this story that other readers would probably enjoy. But it wouldn’t be out without the support of my patrons.
My patrons told me, emphatically, to do what I needed to do. So…that’s what I’m doing.
Viola. A special edition of Blade Song.
The special edition is available at the current price of $2.99 only through the link below.
The book includes Blade Song, and a snazzy new cover.
Buy now
The book set, as mentioned, will be loaded to other platforms this summer, but the price may be a bit higher as other platforms will, naturally, take their cut.
The stories included:
A Stroke of Dumb Luck
Bladed Magic
Blade Song
Proceed with Caution
Proceed with Caution isn’t a story, per se. It’s a collection of deleted scenes, character POVs and odd snippets that I’ve had tucked into various places. One of the deleted scenes is two chapters long and has never been seen by anybody.
Buy now

Free great Book-don’t miss it

I talk a lot about Amy Lane’s Little goddess series.  Here’s a chance to read the first book for free…



A personal Admission

So, here is the deal with whats going on with me, this blog and the lack of content you are probably noticing…

My transition online went a little like this.  I’ve used FaceBook for years to share pictures with people far and wide as my kids aged.  And I used email when I tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to keep in touch with the family of my heart (my friends) and the family of my blood.  I started a blog back then because I was writing these long emails to keep everyone up to date on all the cute things my kids were doing.  Then the online social world took off, right around the time I became a widow.  And an online presence was the absolute last thought on my mind-although it is why I finally joined facebook.

I read books on my kindles, which changed through the years and managed my ebooks on my laptops.  I joined goodreads when it came about and followed my authors via their webpages and blogs.  And about a year ago, I started writing reviews of my books on goodreads and amazon.  There was so much negativity out there aimed at the authors and I wanted the authors to know that there were readers who weren’t negative and appreciated all the effort that went into their books.

I started reaching out to the authors (and their media minions) to offer support.  And some of them told me the best thing I could do for them is write reviews and write blog posts.  SO I started a tumblr blog-mostly to build up one authors body of work.  And when I went to upgrade my netgalley account and sign up for amazon ad links, I was told tumblr wasn’t considered a respectable platform.  Youtube and twitter are,  but not tumblr.  So, I needed a real website or a twitter following.

And I have spent the last month or so transitioning to wordpress and driving myself insane rying to make it look right, to get the tags right, to get the categories right.  I’m still not there!  But I realized if I didn’t start posting again the appearance wouldn’t matter-no one would see it!

So, I’m spending most of my time on the appearance!  And I will try to remember that I have to post too!  I want this site to be a place where book lovers can come and hear my thoughts on the latest books and share theirs.  I will work to make it that- so please leave comments or crosspost me!

And if you notice radio silence for too long, don’t be hesitant to email me and remind me that I’m doing this to build up my favorite authors-large and small!!!!


Book Review of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadmen Walking

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Book Review of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadmen Walking

I’m usually a big Kenyon fan.  I looked forward to this release because it promised more information about the Hellchasers and Thorn.  We’ve seen glimpses of them in other books, but this was supposed to explain things a little more clearly.  It really didn’t.  We had a lot of new character introduced who were given a second chance after being damned and some new species to learn about.

These creatures fight the worst of the worst out of the sight of humans.  But, the romance between the two main characters fell flat and there just wasn’t enough to keep interest in the story.  It was complicated by an ex wife who was the sister of the main heroine, who is also the ship.  It was an ok read.  I give it 3 out of 5 stars since it really disappointed.


Deadmen Walking Book Cover Deadmen Walking
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Tor Books
May 9, 2017

#1 New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon debuts a sweeping new epic saga sure to appeal to her millions of fans! Deadmen tell their tales . . . To catch evil, it takes evil. Enter Devyl Bane—an ancient dark warlord returned to the human realm as one of the most notorious pirates in the New World. A man of many secrets, Bane makes a pact with Thorn—an immortal charged with securing the worst creations the ancient gods ever released into our world. Those powers have been imprisoned for eons behind enchanted gates . . . gates that are beginning to buckle. At Thorn’s behest, Bane takes command of a crew of Deadmen and, together, they are humanity’s last hope to restore the gates and return the damned to their hell realms. But things are never so simple. And one of Bane’s biggest problems is the ship they sail upon. For the Sea Witch isn’t just a vessel, she’s also a woman born of an ancient people he wronged and who in turn wronged him during a centuries long war between their two races—a woman who is also sister to their primary target. Now Marcelina, the Sea Witch, must choose. Either she remains loyal to her evil sister and almost extinct race against Bane and his cause, and watches humanity fall, or she puts faith in an enemy who has already betrayed her. Her people over the totality of humanity—let’s hope Bane can sway her favor. Deadmen Walking is the first historical fantasy title in New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadman’s Cross series. It is a tale of passion and loss, emotions that wound and heal...and ultimate redemption


So, I have a few revelations to share…

1) What I am reading greatly affects my overall mood, mental health, and physical health.  I was reading a book I didn’t care very much for, Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadmen Walking.  I expected to love it, but it just wasn’t doing it for me.  I was angry and irritable and it was taking me forever to get through the book.  That led me to watching hours of bad crime television on YouTube.

2) Something big and bad is happening in the publishing industry-especially for paranormal authors.  I’ve been shocked by the news that Laurell K Hamilton won’t be releasing a book this year.  While I fully support her decision to take time to recharge and get to know her new editor, I’m hearing a lot of rumblings.  A lot of readers expressed unhappiness with Crimson Death, the last Anita Blake book by Laurell K. Hamilton and I am putting that onus on the publishers and the editor they assigned to her.  I am hoping that their relationship will improve or that someone will add in anther person in the process who knows Laurell K. Hamilton’s books backward, forward and upside down (other then her significant others) and can discuss whatever Laurell K. Hamilton needs or somehow help the editor get their Laurell K. Hamilton knowledge up to snuff.

3) We have to support our authors.  If authors as important and big time as Laurell K. Hamilton are having trouble what about all our other authors.  I need my books.  They are my coping mechanism and they keep me away from my head exploding from our daily world news.


Devon Monk Quote

“It’s the knitters. They’ve declared war. And the crocheters are geared up for the siege.” Pause. “What now?” “The knitters. You know. The K.I.N.K.s and C.O.C.K.s.” Jean barked out a laugh and set off into a howling giggle fit. “Uhng…huh?” was the only thing I had to offer. Ryder coughed, and then laughed, a deep, warm sound that made me want to press myself closer to him so I could wallow in the joy there. Even Shoe and Hatter chuckled. Roy, just shook his head. “You’re all children.” Bathin wasn’t laughing, but he intently took in our reactions. He almost looked pleased. Which, okay, I hadn’t known him for even a day yet, but I would have expected him to be sort of into pain and suffering, not a bunch of people laughing over a couple acronyms. “Delaney,” Bertie scolded. “This is serious.” “Right. Yes. Serious. Okay. So the knitters, that’s the K.I.N.K.s?” Bertie nodded. “The K.I.N.K.s have threatened the C.O.C.Ks?” “Woulda’ thought they’d be into that,” Hatter delivered deadpan. “Did they forget their safeword?” Shoe asked. Jean’s howl turned into a hissy wheeze. Both men grinned at her reaction. She waved at them, trying to make them stop. Bertie arched her eyebrows. “Perhaps we should head to the engagement before the members get out of hand and things take a turn for the worseNope. She’d started this. And Hatter wasn’t going to miss a chance to make Jean choke on her tongue. “If you’re hard up, Shoe and I can whip those C.O.C.Ks into shape. Shoe’s got lots of practice. He can whip C.O.C.K. with one hand tied behind his back. I hear he likes it that way.” Shoe nodded, his serious expression unyielding. “Hatter has a lot of experience with K.I.N.K. He’s a master at dominating those kinds of situations.” Jean wrapped her good arm across her ribs and whispered. “Hurts. Stop. Oh, gods.”

Devon Monk, Gods and Ends

Gods and Ends (Ordinary Magic) (Volume 3) Book Cover Gods and Ends (Ordinary Magic) (Volume 3)
Ordinary Magic
Devon Monk
Paranormal Romance
306 pages

Keep your gods close and your monsters closer... Police Chief Delaney Reed thinks she knows all of Ordinary, Oregon’s secrets. Gods on vacation, lovelorn ghosts, friendly neighborhood monsters? Check. But some secrets run deeper than even she knows. To take down an ancient vampire hell-bent on revenge, she will have to make the hardest decision of her life: give up the book of dark magic that can destroy them all, or surrender her mortal soul. As she weighs her options, Delaney discovers she can no longer tell the difference between allies keeping secrets and enemies telling the truth. Questioning loyalties and running out of time, Delaney must choose sides before a kidnapping turns into murder, before rival crochet and knit gangs start a war, and before the full moon rises to signal the beginning of Ordinary’s end.
