Tag: books

Book Review of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadmen Walking

Book Review of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadmen Walking

I’m usually a big Kenyon fan.  I looked forward to this release because it promised more information about the Hellchasers and Thorn.  We’ve seen glimpses of them in other books, but this was supposed to explain things a little more clearly.  It really didn’t.  We had a lot of new character introduced who were given a second chance after being damned and some new species to learn about.

These creatures fight the worst of the worst out of the sight of humans.  But, the romance between the two main characters fell flat and there just wasn’t enough to keep interest in the story.  It was complicated by an ex wife who was the sister of the main heroine, who is also the ship.  It was an ok read.  I give it 3 out of 5 stars since it really disappointed.

Re: Hunt the Moon Chapter 26 & 27


Once he is healed enough to actually take control of the sex he is still not willing to let Cassie in at all. Cassie trusts him to not kill her but he doesn’t and he doesn’t want to get any more vulnerable to Cassie and so he limits it to oral sex and her orgasm.

Yeah good point. While Rosier’s prohibition was still in effect, that applies to demon sex, so he was held back more by his own figurative demons I think. It also highlights that Cassie and Pritkin never really make a conscious decision (about being intimate) that they commit to. Without external pressure, neither of them would initiate it.

@windsurfingthroughhell said:

Idk, I just have weird and particular ideas about consent and autonomy. I don’t like people making choices for Cassie, especially as regards her body, but this particular instance of it bothers me less than say, that Mircass scene in TtD, because Pritkin didn’t compromise her ability to consent, Rosier did, and he also apologised for it later

As @bestbooklover mentions, Cassie consented to the process at the start. What I’m curious about is why we’re all focusing on Cassie, when she was a deliberate, initiative-taking active party in the whole ordeal. It was Pritkin who was unconscious, who had his body intimately handled without his awareness or prior consent. He didn’t ask Cassie for sexual help, even though he could have; he would have never touched her in any of the scenes if not for Cassie’s demands/actions to ensure that he does.

And even when he does yield to her, he is clearly very conflicted. He is torn and upset, more so than Cassie ever was about any of her sexual encounters. It is him, not Cassie, who is broken and guilt-ridden and angry and catatonically traumatized in the shower, it’s not Cassie who needs comfort, it’s Pritkin. And Cassie has just forced him to relive his worst nightmare and do things he hates and shuns on his own volition.

I did make a satire post about this around April to illustrate double standards and biases, but since nobody addressed Pritkin’s consent, it proves that this topic might be worth a more serious post. I’m not sure whether it’s actually the books or the fandom that focuses so much on Cassie’s more minor experiences and ignores far more traumatic events for other characters, but consent should be a non-gendered topic, just like physical violence (the trivialization of which Cassie also does in the books).

Yay!  I love it when we all start talking!

@freespeechfandom has some valid points.  As we move through the books, there are some issues regarding Pritkin’s consent.  However, if we waited for Pritkin to agree to be healed through his incubus side by Cassie-he would have died first.  Pritkin definitely has a hero complex and has consistently maintained that Cassie would be better off letting him go.  I agree that consent is a two sided issue and would love to see a well adjusted Pritkin so we could discuss his consent without his suicidal starving of his incubus and his outright denial of his feelings for Cassie.

As for why I keep talking about Cassie-in my opinion the whole series is about Cassie.  So I am cassie-centric in my thoughts and posts.

I think Cassie supports Pritkin in the shower.  I think she tries as hard as she can to be his friend.  Now admittedly Cassie jumped into the deep end of friend and love interactions from the time she first comes to the Senate against her will.  Cassie has never had a friend or a lover or even a real bodyguard other than Billie Joe and a hell raising, card cheating ghost from the 1800′s isnt exactly the best template for friendship.

I will be the first to admit that within the books there are boundary issues all around and there is more than enough for everyone!


Hunt the Moon Chapter 26 & 27



I’m doing my review for both chapters (a) because I’m lazy and behind on my posts and (b) because I usually read these two chapters together anyway and I have trouble separating them in my mind.

Chapter 26 is is kind of a strange chapter, because you have such a contrast between what is happening and why it is happening.  Cassie and Pritkin have sex, and it’s very intimate, but the reason for it is because it’s the only way to save Pritkin’s life.  The contrast heightens the tension exponentially.  The whole chapter feels on edge – will this actually save Pritkin?  Will he go too far and kill Cassie by accident?  Will Caleb interfere?

And to make an already awful situation even more difficult, Rosier shows up and puts a compulsion on Cassie.  It’s kind of squicky, and he doesn’t help anything by saying “Let Daddy help”, but I appreciate that he wants to save his son.  It gets the job done, and that’s honestly the focus of both Cassie and Rosier at this point.

Okay, I admit – I am shipper trash enough to squee over Cassie and Pritkin having a sexual encounter.   But Chapter 27 moves us from the hot-but-dangerous sex to the emotional fallout.  And, oh man.  There is some serious fallout.

This is the chapter of emotional intimacy, and KC does not pull her punches.  I’m talking, of course, about the one and only shower hug scene.

*deep breath*

I don’t think there has been another scene with the emotional weight of this one.  KC has written dozens of other scenes that make me feel all the feelings, but this is the one that catches my attention before any of the others.  

Cassie and Pritkin are kind of literally and emotionally naked with each other, and KC shows us this with almost no dialogue.  In a few short paragraphs, we clearly see how much they care about each other and depend on each other, and not just in the saving-each-other way.  The depth of their trust in each other is so obvious here.  Both of them tend to repress a lot, but they don’t tend to hide from each other.  It’s a gorgeous scene, and one that I love to reread often.

Also, if you haven’t seen it, @pritkinsprettydick drew the shower hug and it’s perfect :D.

The whole thing about Caleb being there has always been vaguely squicky to me but a lot of Casskin sex scenes do have this discomforting edge to them? This dubcon element that’s not really either character’s fault, but which makes me uneasy when reading them, no matter how sexy the scene might be – it’s so tragic really, that they never get to be with each other just for the sake of being with each other. Well, so far. 

A side note though – Pritkin is aware that Cassie isn’t in a position to give informed consent and he tries really hard to avoid doing anything that might feel like a violation to her later (it doesn’t but I think Cassie is more okay with having her body used by other people than I would be). I’m not sure whether he could safely have waited for the influence to wear off, but the key thing for me is that he apologises later. Cassie may not feel that he did anything wrong, and he was forced into a situation where he had to make that choice, but I think, and I suspect Pritkin also thinks, that it’s still a choice he didn’t have the right to make. Idk, I just have weird and particular ideas about consent and autonomy. I don’t like people making choices for Cassie, especially as regards her body, but this particular instance of it bothers me less than say, that Mircass scene in TtD, because Pritkin didn’t compromise her ability to consent, Rosier did, and he also apologised for it later – he acknowledged that it wasn’t a good situation, even if it wasn’t his fault. (of course Pritkin isn’t always perfect when it comes to consent – his 18th century self had some Issues in that regard that I wanted to talk about in EtN but then I missed those chapters, so I’ll probably bring it up in RtW when it becomes relevant). 

I also appreciate that they get to have some serious fall out from this uncomfortable (albeit sexy) scene? They get to talk about their feelings, reaffirm an emotional connection, and they comfort each other. It’s wonderful. 

Anyway, I 100% agree about The Shower Hug. It’s emotional destruction on an epic scale. And you know what? I never picked up on the symbolism of them being naked (or mostly naked, in Cassie’s case). Pritkin’s at his most vulnerable physically and emotionally. Damn it! 

OK, So standard disclaimers apply…and you all know all of them 🙂 So, yes this is a really uncomfortable scene. You have got Pritkin unconscious and dying, war mages wanting to try magic and Cassie losing her everloving shit. For the first time ever the war mages actually listen to Cassie and let Caleb drive a dying Pritkin and wounded Cassie away. Rossier being there to help out yeah it’s squicky but given the state Pritkin is in and the state Cassie is in I’m glad Rossier stepped in. Yes it adds complications because Cassie’s consent is iffy, but in my opinion Cassie give’s consent when she starts the whole ball of wax arolling, so later consent is not really needed. She wanted to save Pritkin and by g-d she was saving his ass come hell or high water! Caleb’s freak out is annoying as hell but we need Caleb to know about Pritkin later so it works for me.
I’m a little disappointed in Pritkin here. (cue screaming from others on Tumblr) Once he is healed enough to actually take control of the sex he is still not willing to let Cassie in at all. Cassie trusts him to not kill her but he doesn’t and he doesn’t want to get any more vulnerable to Cassie and so he limits it to oral sex and her orgasm.
I love the fact that Karen Chance doesn’t allow Pritkin to withdraw and distance. I love the fact that after the life and death sex or die Cassie is able to be Pritkins’s emotional support in the shower. That’s more important than the sex in some ways. cassie is not letting Pritkin distance himself from her and withdraw or take the fault for this…Cassie is not going to let him make this a reason to withdraw further or add it to his noble reasons to withdraw from the field. I think this whole thing shows Cassie growing into her power. making the war mages do what she wants, making Caleb listen, bossing Rossier and Pritkin around and still declaring her independence from Mircea (don’t forget that all of this started with the rebellion and pizza)…as an aside to that given that Pritkin just told Cassie in their comical conversation over pizza there will be no more sexual healing slip ups leads to the most sexual of their healing slip ups…can anyone say irony?
I am tired and my brain is stalling so this will be my two cents for a while…Please feel free to argue with me, as all of our perspectives make the reread all the more fun


This is SOOO me…

Usually its about 600 minutes for Laurell K Hamilton Books


Snared by Jennifer Estep

Book Review of Jennifer Estep’s Snared

When I first started the book, I was confused.  It started out very similarly to some of the
other books and was so close that I actually checked that I had the right e-book.  But, it quickly moves on to original content
and boy, is it a revelation-almost as big as when Eira was shown to be a member
of the Circle.  For those of you who have
not gotten that far in the series, please stop reading here!  Snared is a great addition to the Elemental
Assassin series.  It has all the great
writing that I have come to expect from Jennifer Estep and moves the story
along.  I love this series, and I love
that Estep’s writing always exceeds my expectations.  There is never any editorial missteps or any
plot sinkholes.  In fact, I expect so
much from Estep’s writing that I keep expecting to be disappointed-but I never
am.  This deserves accolades and awards
as there are few authors who can live up to my insane expectations.

Snared has the usual intricate plot that seamlessly integrates
the stand-alone story with the overall story arc.  We discover that Eira’s relationship to the
circle was closer then previously thought.
We have a deepening understanding of Hugh Tucker and we get to see Gin
in her element, helping friends and kicking butt!  In the process, Gin cements more alliances
and as her circle of friends, allies and family continues to grow so does she.  My personal opinion is that Gin’s world is
growing grayer.  Not all villains are 100%
bad and Gin herself recognizes that she is the villain of some criminal’s

It is a great read and a wonderful addition to the
series.  A true five stars for this great


Why do all the BIG Books come out on the same day…

OK, So I finally pulled my head out of the Chanceverse and looked around only to realize a whole slew of Book Birthdays were yesterday (for those of us not gifted with huge netgalley accounts, grumble grumble)!  But now I have a problem-which do I read first?  So I thought I would lay out my deliberations here, and maybe give some suggestions in the process…

Book One is Wicked Abyss by Kresley Cole.  This is our yearly installment in the Immortals After Dark series.  We got a spin-off novel a little while ago with Shadow’s Seduction which was a long awaited book with two very familiar characters.  I am excited to see where we are going with Nix’s jump into the insanity pool (if you don’t read the series, this will make no sense at all) but I don’t know these characters yet.  Hopefully they will end up as lovable as Jo and Rune but I really don’t know if I am following where Nix’s train is heading…it seemed to jump the tracks a bit…

Book two is Snared by Jennifer Estep This is book 16 in the Elemental Assassin series and promises to be an interesting read.  Gin Blanco the assassin we all love so very much is trying to unravel the conspiracy that revolves around her Mother and the mysterious Circle.  Estep always delivers a great story and I never have to worry about where it’s going because we all know there will be heartbreak and our Assassin with a Heart will save the day or extract vengeance…

Book 3 is Blade Bound by Chloe Neill- This one promises to be a heartbreaker as it’s the last of the Chicagoland Vampires series…I can’t imagine how this series can end- I mean Ethan already died and came back to undeadness…And there’s all the subplots that just can’t be ending SOB SOB …

SO where do I go? Who do I start with?


Free Book!!! Legitimate copy

Get a free book, for great justice.


Tor.com is giving away free, worldwide ebooks of EVERY HEART A DOORWAY by Seanan Macguire until midnight.  Details are here:


These are legal, legit copies of the book, given away by my publisher, with my full consent.  So please, spread it far and wide.


Nora Roberts Quote

Broken hearts healed. Maybe the cracks were always there, like thin scars, but they healed. People lived and worked, laughed and ate, walked and talked with those cracks. For many, even the scars healed and they loved again.

Nora Roberts, Bed of Roses
(via wordsnquotes)

An explanation of why I’m bouncing off the walls Until May 2nd (Hurry up and preorder NOW)

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This is taken verbatim from https://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com/2017/04/25/quickening-vol-1-by-amy-lane-blog-tour-guest-post-excerpt/

How It All Began

by Amy Lane

So I know for a lot of people, the “big deal” of Quickening’s release is sort of lost.

Amy writes lots of books. Lots of big books. So?

And let’s face it—this one’s got a girl on the cover, and, yes, well, girls on the cover of an author known for her gay male romance work does not inspire a lot of “HUZZAH!”

But, like with everything, there is a story…

So, once upon a time there was an English teacher who felt compelled to go back to school to get her master’s degree. Why?  Well, it was unclear even then. All of her peers were doing it, and it appeared to be the only way to get any income mobility and…


Everybody else was getting their MA in education, the better to become administration, but this particular English teacher wouldn’t touch administration with a barge pole. Ugh. Gross. No.

But learn more about her subject matter? Holy Goddess YES!

So she took a bunch of different classes—an entire semester on Hamlet, anyone? And finally decided that creative writing was where she wanted to be.

And she was in this class, loving it, when some asshole dropped a couple of planes on some buildings in New York, and she had a big epiphany: She’d left her two young children at home during her school time, and they were only six and eight at the time, and she didn’t want to spend her precious moments taking classes to make a quota, she wanted to spend her time with them.

So she dropped out of the master’s program—but she kept writing.

Three and a half years later she self-published the book she’d started during that time in the master’s class. It felt like self-aggrandizement mostly—the master’s project was a finished novel, and hey, she’d done that, so even if she didn’t have the piece of paper to prove it, she had Vulnerable.

This was back when self-publishing was in its infancy, and our English teacher made a LOT of mistakes—a lot of them surprisingly enough, in English.

This was back during a DARK period in language instruction. A time called “whole language” learning—when it was considered unprofessional for an English teacher to so much as request a grammar textbook to teach her students how to write English with any sort of proficiency. They were supposed to just “absorb” that knowledge from the books they read.

For the record—it didn’t work.


It destroyed this particular English teacher’s basic knowledge of grammar and punctuation—all she was reading at the time was student papers.

Which meant when her masterpiece came out, there were some really fucking embarrassing errors all over the goddamned manuscript.

But she didn’t care. Because seriously. How many people were going to read something she wrote?  She worked in an extremely misogynistic environment—none of the people in her staff room would so much as let her finish a sentence. She grew up with people who thought she was too stupid to finish college in the first place—and were really confused as to why she’d take master’s classes in something that wouldn’t get her more money just because she hated the job.  Her students thought she was okay—but it was an inner-city school, and the ones who didn’t think she was okay told her she was a dumbfuck twat on a daily basis, and her administration didn’t really think that was too bad on the whole.

Her children—whom she adored—both had their own difficulties in school. Obviously her fault, because what did she do wrong to produce a kid with a communication handicap and one with a skewed, Eyeore view of life, even at six?

Nobody would read this book. (Except her outstanding and wonderful Mate.) Nobody would care. It was her accomplishment, and hers alone, and she was really proud of it.

And she was proud of the next one, and the next one, and the one after that. For six years, her Christmas gift from her husband was a chance to self-publish the book she’d written that year between kids and school and soccer and dance and karate and, oh, hey, giving birth to two more children for a total of four.

And then, one day, someone on Twitter asked for a short fic—just a short fic—based on a video of some really hot guys and a dirty guitar riff, and she wrote it, just for fun…

And these people—this publishing company—loved it.

In fact, they had read her books. They loved her stories. They thought she was worthwhile—they wanted to see what else she could write.

And her love affair with writing purely gay romance began.

Now, the last thing she’d written on her own had been the fourth book in her first series—Rampant.

And she’d dropped a helluva bomb at the end of that book. A sort of, uh, BIG cliffhanger. Or two.

And just when her writing career in gay romance took off, her teaching career took a HUGE, devastating, killing hit—and yes, the two things were very closely connected.  So suddenly, writing gay romance became the thing she absolutely had to do.

It became her livelihood.

And finishing that series—ending that cliffhanger—that became the last thing on her list.

So… what does this have to do with Quickening?

Seven years ago I wrote a book that ended with a teeny-tiny-itty-bitty sorceress being told some VERY BIG GINORMOUS LIFE CHANGING NEWS.

And people have been waiting to see how that comes out. For seven years.

So I’m going to be writing some blog posts about this book in the next week—and I’m going to be WAY more excited about its release than I think my community is going to be.

But that’s okay—because the first book was something I wanted to do for myself. And this book was a promise I kept to all the people who thought that first book was something special, something that resonated with them, and took the time to tell me that my voice—the one that seemed to be raised desperately unheard for so long—was really important to them.

So it’s possible Quickening isn’t going to take the gay romance world by storm.

But I’m so happy that it’s out, I’m could actually cry.

If you’re interested in the books that started it all, start with Vulnerable—it’s been re-edited and recovered, as have all of the original books in the series.

If you’re a fan of the series already, and you’ve been waiting for the last seven years—you’re the best. Period. I couldn’t have done the last twelve years without you.



Quickening, volume 1 Book Cover Quickening, volume 1
Little Goddess (Book 5)
Amy Lane
DSP Publications
(May 2, 2017)
316 pages

Little Goddess: Book Five
Volume One

Cory thought she’d found balance on Green's Hill—sorceress, student, queen of the vampires, wife to three men—she had it down!  But establishing her right to risk herself with Green and Bracken had more than one consequence, and now she’s facing the world's scariest job title: mother.

But getting the news that she’s knocked up takes a back seat when a half-elf hunts them down for help. Her arrival brings news that the werewolf threat, which has been haunting them for over a year, has finally arrived on their doorstep—and it’s bigger and more frightening than they’d ever imagined.

Cory throws herself into this new battle with everything she’s got—and her men let her do it. Because they all know that whether they defeat this enemy now or later, the thing she's most afraid of is arriving on a set schedule, and not even Cory can avoid it.  The trick is getting her to acknowledge she's pregnant before she gives birth—or kills herself in denial.


World Book Day

So, I think that absolutely everyone knows I am a Karen Chance fan.  I am a reader, so for me finding a great series is like finding a lost present the day after your birthday. Some of the series are one off’s-I will read them once and they will forever live in my head and one day a friend will say something about a series in which Mab owns a circus and I’ll be able to pull the title out of nowhere.  Some, Like Karen Chance become a large part of my life as I try to drum up support for their releases.  Some I support on Patreon, because the thought of a world without the next Kit Colbana book makes me want to cry!


There are lots of authors I connect with as a reader and I ask questions of lots of them.  Some like Karen answer me themselves, others have Media Minions who answer for them.  I treasure each of these interactions and can live off the excitement for days.  But there are a few who become my friends.  There is no one I respect more than Amy Lane.  I have been a fan of her works for what feels like forever.  I love her Little Goddess Series which she self published.  I warn you there is explicit sex with multiple partners.  Amy also writes m/m romance novels and she shys away from nothing.  Her books are real and there is lots of emotional reality.  There are lots of situations that will break your heart.  The characters are easily related to.
