Tag: reader

Fantastic Hope laurell K Hamilton and William McCaskey

I have had the pleasure of getting an advanced reader copy of Fantastic Hope, the new paranormal anthology that was released on April 7, 2020. This arc was provided via Netgalley, the best place for reviewers and avid readers to get and review new books.  This anthology is a great way to be introduced to a wide variety of authors and writing styles.  You may just buy it for one author and find a whole new library to read during this uncertain time.  With a wide variety of bestselling authors this anthology has a lot of bang for your buck.
While I could go crazy with this book review and write pages upon pages and bury you in paper, time is at a premium.  This anthology is a great way to get acquainted with a number of authors and their writing styles.   You may buy it for the latest in one series and end up with a new series to read, to love, and maybe even obsess about.  These authors each have unique backgrounds and those backgrounds inform each story with details that will delight readers,   .  Rather than going through each story and providing spoilers that might make longtime fans and new readers alike angry, I will cede this space to a part of the Foreword and the words of the editors.
“It’s a place where the hero wins, the bad guy is punished, and the monsters are only real while you’re reading the story. You can close the covers and be safe. Unlike the real terrors of the world online and in the news lately…welcome to a collection of stories where you can find hope, happy endings, loyalty, freedom, love, all the positive things that make the best of us. Welcome to thrilling adventures and a modern take on two-fisted adventure stories…Have faith in yourself, in the people who love you, in magic, in religion, in Deity, in science, and in things harder to label with just one word. Believe that there will be smiles after the tears, joy after the pain, and that it will all work out, that good will triumph and evil will not win forever…You’re holding people’s dreams in your hands, dreams made real for you to read and share. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.”   Laurell K Hamilton
“Laurell is a big proponent of people doing their therapy and working through their shit. We sat over lunch and talked about the depressing stories that seemed to be everywhere, in the news and in fiction, and lamented that there weren’t more uplifting stories…  Laurell and I are both survivors and we know that the world is not all unicorns, rainbows, and glitter. but we also know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that the darkness can be pushed back, even if it starts with a spark….I hope that in this book you find a story that speaks to you that reminds you that tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities.” William McCaskey
Believe again.  Dream again.  Know that you have the power to do the impossible and conquer your demons.  Start a new relationship with favorite authors and new voices.  Start here.

#netgalley #LaurellKHamilton #FantasticHope #lkh #AnitaBlake #WilliamMccaskey #vampirehunter #supernatural #JonathanMaberry #Sharonshinn #LarryCorreia #KaceyEzell #griffinBarber #GriffinBarber #KevinJAnderson #JohnGHartness #PatriciaBriggs #RobertEHamilton #LEModesittJR #PatrickMTracy #MCSumner #MichealZWilliamson #JessicaSchlenker #MonaLisaFoster #Zombies #ghosts #necromancers #magic #vampires #witch #JoeLedgerRogueTeam #JoeLedgerRogueTeamInternationalAdventure #TwilightFalls #NotInThisLifetime #MrPositiveTheEternalOptimist #NoGreaterLove #BrokenSon #HeartofClay #Reprise #AsilandTheNotdate #inthedust #Fallen #workingConditions #lastContact #Ronin #skjolmodir #bondsofloveandduty #zombieDearest #donShambleZombiePI #MercyThompson #AlphaandOmega #MonsterHunterInternational #grimnoirchronicles #deadsix #SagaoftheforgottenWarrior #DragonAwardwinner #quincyHarker  #sagaofrecluse #militarythriller #romance #paranormalromance #urbanfantasy #newsfromtheedge #geeks #doctoriteinwhat? #gunsmith #shapeshifter #anthology #shortstory #novella #whattodowhenunderquarantine #Stuckathome #booktoread #lateststory #apocalypse #magic #dreams #hope #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #betterfuture #betterpresent #happyending #magicalthinking #dragon #dystopian #goodconquersall #heros #villians #impossible 

Why I Read… And Who I am Reading…

I am a reader. The thought of going without my books is inconceivable. For the most part, I have my favorites, books that are a comfort no matter what my life throws at me. When I was little, the books were something I needed. I travelled with a copy of “Little Women”. Jo and Beth, Meg and Amy were very real to me. I read that book until it literally fell apart – but it did not matter since they became a part of my brain. I know that they came from another persons brain. I know how much they meant to me. But it wasn’t just them. It was Anne of Green Gables and Pippi Longstocking and Cutter and Leetah. It was Amelia Bedelia and Bedknobs and Broomsticks and a magical doorway to Narnia that kept my imagination in thrall. It was the thought of Tesseracts and the pagentry of fantasy novels and the words of a bard. Its the words of Elizabeth Dickinson and the words of Keats. And, slowly, it became what was the fabric of my life. The threads I can remember, as well as the ones that I didn’t incorporate into my world view.
As an adult, I read everything and found myself finding more companions. Around other things that happened in the real world, there too were the characters of Anne Rice, Nora Roberts and Guy Gavriel Kay. And something amazing came from the books. It was friends who were only a few pages away. They were never too busy. It was the knowledge that, just by reading a book 📖, I could recapture where I was when I read it the first time as well as some of the minutia I had missed the first time around because I wanted to know what happened. Knowing what happened meant I could pay more attention to the characters that were secondary. And, there were times in my adult life when I had to read those treasured pages one word at a time. It was harder that way.
All of this was a little bit away from my main point. I said I was a reader and I am. It means that I escape into those other worlds and learn the rules… Whether it is based on mythology or vampires, society or shapeshifters it gave me an escape and a place to hope and dream about, while my body betrayed me. I also, somewhere along the way, developed a rule that if I started a book, I finished it. And, then, I found myself feeling a drive to finish a series, even if it wasn’t up to my standards. But, I started this blog to highlight one of my favorite authors and the two heroines of her novels. Karen Chance reminded me why she held a place among my favorites with Dragon’s Claw. It’s the latest release of the Dorina Basarab plot line which is a companion to the Cassandra Palmer series. I realized that I had missed Dory and Marlowe. And, reading it, I felt that excitement that comes from a new adventure and some old friends. I cannot wait for the next story.

Serpentine, Serpentine,Serpentine

I was not sure it would ever get here. I got turned down for being an advanced reader and I (probably) deserved it, given the fact that I haven’t been posting since I got sick. In addition, I haven’t been able to focus enough to spend time with some of my favorite characters and my backlog is extremely large, so no questions as to what I am missing or reading now. Some things have popped up and others have been buried along the way. But I have an embarrassment of riches. Truly adored the best man speech and think I needed some of the messages therein. That being said I took some pictures of my signed copy from Left Bank Books, carefully and bought the eversion right at midnight and I devoured it! Sorry for an spoilers I might inadvertantly slip in. I am trying not to! Can’t wait to get the next one which I know is silly but we had so long to wait this. Thank you so much for sharing your inner charaters snark and sarcasm included!


a question or maybe a statement of conscience…

i am an avid reader with you all know but i’m also usually a proponent of google play books because it’s easier in some ways to use an e book you always have it with you as long as you have a internet connection. so i have a question for you and you don’t have to answer it to me but answer it to yourself there have been many trips, where depending upon the duration, I had many issues with how I was going to pack clothes…around all the books. And come on be honest fellow bibliophiles, at least to yourself… You’ve had those conversations with yourself too. So, especially these days when we have to pay for luggage by the pound (seanan Mcguire wrote a great short story about a possible future where we even pay for our seats based on our weight) so for that reason alone ebooks are a g-dsend as we can now worry ourselves silly with how we will pack our clothes and all the stuff we buy on vacation as presents for other people or ourselves…

As for packing around our books, that is now reserved for comic conventions, when we are hoping to get the books signed by our favorite authors…

But for the first time in a long time I am finding myself wishing I could go back to, regular books because I’m having o troubleremembering the name of a series and if I had my old book collection I could just look the books until I found it. But now, I have only the vaguest of memories of and thousands of ebooks. So I find myself going through book covers on my eReader and 💭 thinking back with nostalgia on the days when I had an all paper library… Grass is always greener, right? So tell me what you guys think…


An Unwavering Recommendation…

Usually, I post about the books I read, the friends I find within each story and reconnecting with them.  And right now I am reconnecting with Olivia and Gabriel–and all the mystery and magic of Cainsville.  But I wanted to tell you about something seemingly unconnected and in the process I will explain the thought train that led to this post.

I love reading, as you know all to well.  And I dislike audiobooks because depending on narrator, the book can be enriched through the process of creating an audiobook or it can be ruined by the slightest thing-a name pronounced differently, an accent that is different than what was expected or any other of a million reasons.  When we read a book, we imagine the characters, their accents, and a million other things.  An audiobook can ruin that because it makes the elements written in stone and each of these things can skew the enjoyment of the book.

I have been a long time fan of the Elfquest comic book series.  When I first found them they had been reprinted as a graphic novel and were in color.  When they later rereleased the comics in Black and White, they used a similar explanation–that the coloration of the comics limited the possibilities and locked the characters descriptions in stone.  Printing the comics in black and white allowed for infinite possibilities and for the enjoyment of the stories in a whole new way.

For years I was a physical book reader, and my daughter still is.  For her a book has to have a physical presence in order to be a book.  Ebooks do not work for her-without the pages to flip and the smell of the paper and weight of the book in her hands, they do not seem real to her.  Now, I fully enjoy all the facets of having ebooks- the ability to carry hundreds or thousands of books in the palm of my hand, rather than having to carry an extra suitcase on trips.  I enjoy having multiple copies of the books in multiple places and the ability to transfer from device to device.  I was and am a firm supporter of amazon kindles and have been for a long time.

Anyone who reads ebooks should look into the freeware program Calibre.  It allows you to organize your library by author or series or even by publication date.  It allows you to convert your books from one format to another and that allows you to use multiple devices.  It can also manage your devices.  You can merge files together (using plugins) and a million other things.

So now I have found the best program for my needs to be google play books.  First off, google offers 24-7 tech support on using the play books app for free. In addition to allowing books to be read on multiple devices, with your progress in each book being communicated no matter which device you read the books upon.  Google Play has a read aloud feature-it uses a computer voice of your choice.  Much like the black and white comics, it still allows me to add the details to the story.  It also allows me to speed up the reading so I can keep pace with where I would be approximately without using the read aloud feature.

So, whats the point of this long rambling post?  It’s actually quite simple.  My smartphone has become my reading device of choice.  And protecting that smartphone has become VERY important.  While there are a million choices in the market for cases, tempered glass protectors or plastic film protectors I want to speak with you about my experience with a company called Skinomi.  They produce plastic film phone protectors.  You can buy one just for the front screen, one for coverage of the entire device (front, back and sides), or one for just the front and back.  he plastic film is self healing and the have a lifetime warranty on their products.  They now have lines that can be used to change the look of your phone from wood to tempered steel or even  cool black carbonite looking skin.

They are the best phone protectors out there.  I have used a lot of different ones, but theirs have stood the test of time with each of my phones.  In addition, they have exceptional customer service and replace your screen protector if there is an error in installation or for some other reason you need a new one.  And it is a lifetime replacement on their products and there is a bubble free guarantee.  So protect your phone-get a skinomi protector, they are the best on the market and worth the price!



How you can Help…

I’m a reader-always have been. What does that mean? It means that from Kindergarten through eighth grade, my favorite day of the month was when the scholastic book order forms came in and then the day the books actually arrived. I always ordered way more than I could possibly read and lugging those boxes of books home was like the eighth night of hannukkah and my birthday all rolled into one…

When my children were younger, it meant reading books sometimes a word at a time, but I always had a book with me and I will admit to great pride that I finished any books at all with my children at toddler age. Now it means always having a book loaded on my phone to play or read every opportunity I get.

For me, books are a necessity. I cannot imagine a world without books. If something was wrong in my life, most times being swallowed into a story would make it better or at the very least put off the problem until I could find a solution. Reading gave me time to assimilate, a place where all my life’s problems could be put on a shelf for a while. I could visit fantastical worlds where magic and all things were possible. I could bear witness to amazing legal battles and see fancy balls from all the ages. I could see love triumph over incredible odds. There was no end to what I might find between the covers of a book.

As I have grown older and my burdens have become heavier, I have found that sometimes books bring me a simple distraction and I have also found that the characters in these books can become friends in a way. I am fully aware that the characters in my favorite books are fictional, but I worry over their lives as I would a friend. And I have found that having these books I love so very much has brought me some true friends along the way. Those friendships start with a conversation when we notice we are reading the same book or author and can develop into deep discussions and speculation.

And that love of books brought me to this blog. In reaching out to my favorite authors I found that they were struggling. Niche Publishing Houses had gone out of business, and the big publishing houses were mismarketing the books{marketing an urban fantasy book as a traditional romance, leaving the consumers of both urban fantasy and traditional romance unhappy)-so that when contract negotiations for more books began, the publisher could point to bad sales. The publishing house has complete control over when the books are released as well–and with a few different authors, they keep announcing dates, then pushing them back with no communication. That led to a number of angered fans, some of whom have sworn off the authors entirely. Also, some of the authors had felt very comfortable with the niche houses and so left broad areas in their contracts because of the level of trust that existed. Now those broad areas are leaving them with little contractual wigggle room, allowing the big houses to do many things without the authors input or consent. Bad pairings were being made between authors and editors which led to bad books and a loss of loyal fans.

A few of those authors told me that the best thing I can do to help is write reviews and generate buzz around their latest releases. This led me to this blog and now I am finding that I need to generate followers in order to get electronic ARC’s so I can create bigger buzz leading up to the release of the books.

So, I need your help. First, find my facebook link at the end of this post and like the page. There is also a twitter account associated with the blog. In order to raise my Search Engine rankings, please search for my website address in whichever search engine you use whenever you have a chance.

If you should decide to buy one of the books or anything else, try using one of my amazon links so I get a small commission. Or leave a donation using the link below-every little bit helps!

I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site bestbooklover.net and at the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BestBookLover/

If you want to support the blog and keep getting great content make a donation at paypal.me/Bestbooklover/


Chloe Neill’s Blade Bound

I have to be completely honest here.  I just couldn’t see it.  I mean we all knew going into Blade Bound that it was going to be the last Chicagoland Vampires book.  And yet, how could we possibly say goodbye to Ethan and Merit, Jonah and the Red Guard, Mallory and Catcher or Gabriel and the North American pack?  And, as with so many of the books in this series, the villain seemed unbeatable and the craziness just plain off the charts.  We got to see a vampire wedding, a warning from Gabriel that the vampire child may not be coming and we all knew that we had not seen the end of Sorcha.

About halfway through the book, I started to get really scared though.  Ethan had already returned from death, much to all our surprise.  But I started to wonder if maybe the way this book ended the series was with everyone’s death or confinement.  And so it took me a while to wrap my head around finishing this book, come what may.  I had carefully avoided all reviews and spoilers while I wrapped my head around the fact that this ending was here.  But about halfway through, I had to have a little faith–in Chloe Neill and in myself.  I could take whatever came in the series.

I won’t spoil the ending.  But I will say that my faith paid off in ways unimaginable.  And that is the key to this whole series.  Despite being a jaded paranormal romance reader who thought she had seen everything, this series constantly came out of left field.  Consistently, we found ourselves wondering how all our heroes could possibly pull this one off.  And they always, somehow did.   It’s sad to be saying goodbye to our intrepid heroes but the series ended on a high note rather than disappointment.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I highly recommend this book, and the series itself.  It’s lighthearted and campy and unbelievable at times, but these characters will soon hold a piece of your heart, as they did mine!


I look forward to discussing all of this with fellow fans at my site bestbooklover.net and at the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BestBooklovernet-336745780072074/

If you want to help support this website, donations are accepted at paypal.me/Bestbooklover/

Blade Bound Book Cover

Blade Bound

Chloe Neill





"Continuation of New York Times bestselling author Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires series"--

The thrilling final installment of Chloe Neill’s New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series sees sinister sorcery advancing across Chicago, and it might usher in the fall of Cadogan House....

Since the night of her brutal attack and unwilling transformation into a vampire, Merit has stood as Sentinel and protector of Chicago’s Cadogan House. She’s saved the Windy City from the forces of darkness time and again with her liege and lover, Ethan Sullivan, by her side.

When the House is infiltrated and Merit is attacked by a vampire who seems to be under the sway of dark magic, Merit and Ethan realize the danger is closer than they could have imagined. As malign sorcery spreads throughout the city, Merit must go to war against supernatural powers beyond her comprehension. It is her last chance to save everything—and everyone—she loves.


AnnaLane’s Review for Ride the Storm by Karen Chance



I made the mistake of thinking I could savor this book – that I could treat myself to one or two chapters a night. I was so wrong. I had to DEVOUR it.
It went by so fast and it pulled me in every direction. I feel like that’s hard to do with a book series that’s basically a sci-fi/ fantasy Lord of the Rings, but the style of writing makes it impossible for me to stop wanting more. Plus, hey I don’t know if it was intentional, but “Get off the road!”
It felt like a massive shake-up for the series re: the war, the characters, the alliances, etc. I had to take a break at one point and refuel on ch.1-2 of Reap the Wind. Side note/spoiler kinda: Caedmon makes another appearance and I am just such a fan of this guy. In the future, I want more and more of his cat-and-mouse play/badassery (for that is his true element)!
The book seemed the darkest one yet. For instance, one part has me I’m-seriously-listening-to-Susan-Boyle’s-cover-of-“Wild-Horses”-on-repeat sad. On the other hand I’m also super happy because I get to read about Pritkin again!
The darker tone could be for any number of reasons, but it’s most likely just because the war is higher stakes, it’s grander, and things just couldn’t stay the way they were. Not like there isn’t humor because there’s definitely still that (Glob!Rosier’s da real MVP), but like I said, gut punching in other respects. And unexpected (at least, I wasn’t expecting things to happen the way they happened). Where do we go from here? As a reader I’m being kept on my toes. I love it.
And I am already desperate for more.
—4.88 stars (that .12 is the broken part of my heart, which the other parts of my heart are mocking. Poor .12). Will be posting to Goodreads as soon as I make an account and figure it out.

Great review! I think you’re right, the tone is definitely darker – I think there were just less of those sidesplitting comic sequences usually peppered throughout the series (think Dory on the run with a headless mostly naked Ray). And that ‘fucking Merlin’ tag = ACCURATE lol.

another arc review!!!

Ride the Storm Book Cover

Ride the Storm

Cassandra Palmer

Karen Chance


August 1, 2017


The New York Times bestselling author of Reap the Wind returns to the “fascinating world”* of Cassie Palmer. Ever since being stuck with the job of pythia, the chief seer of the supernatural world, Cassie Palmer has been playing catch up. Catch up to the lifetime's worth of training she missed being raised by a psychotic vampire instead of at the fabled pythian court. Catch up to the powerful, and sometimes seductive, forces trying to mold her to their will. It's been a trial by fire that has left her more than a little burned. But now she realizes that all that was the just the warm up for the real race. Ancient forces that once terrorized the world are trying to return, and Cassie is the only one who can stop them...


World Book Day

So, I think that absolutely everyone knows I am a Karen Chance fan.  I am a reader, so for me finding a great series is like finding a lost present the day after your birthday. Some of the series are one off’s-I will read them once and they will forever live in my head and one day a friend will say something about a series in which Mab owns a circus and I’ll be able to pull the title out of nowhere.  Some, Like Karen Chance become a large part of my life as I try to drum up support for their releases.  Some I support on Patreon, because the thought of a world without the next Kit Colbana book makes me want to cry!


There are lots of authors I connect with as a reader and I ask questions of lots of them.  Some like Karen answer me themselves, others have Media Minions who answer for them.  I treasure each of these interactions and can live off the excitement for days.  But there are a few who become my friends.  There is no one I respect more than Amy Lane.  I have been a fan of her works for what feels like forever.  I love her Little Goddess Series which she self published.  I warn you there is explicit sex with multiple partners.  Amy also writes m/m romance novels and she shys away from nothing.  Her books are real and there is lots of emotional reality.  There are lots of situations that will break your heart.  The characters are easily related to.


the interminable wait for book _______

So, here’s the thing.  I am a reader.  And with the advent of new technology, I can have my phone read to me while I do a gazillion other things…So, due to the fact that I had a speed reading class in high school and …well I consume books.  And quickly.  It makes Tuesdays my favorite day.  And I have a lot of series I follow.  So Karen Chance is one among the many for me.  And at first I was Seriously mad at the delays and changing publication dates.  

But in the last year, I have come to realize that my book’s are a coping mechanism.  They give me something to hold on to.  Something to talk about.  Something to occupy the 60% of my brain that keeps screaming this can’t be my life.  And to let me be somewhat calm, and positive.  At least I’m not being chased by monsters, only creditors!  And yes, I am a widow with two beautiful teenage daughters.  Which means that I am scared to bring any man home because I am very careful about my blue eyed, blonde haired beautiful brilliant children are exposed to.  And I had a great husband which means I am not willing to settle for anything else.  So I read a lot of very explicit series cause that’s my only sexual release.

So I read Laurell K Hamilton and lots of others.  But here’s the thing.  We have to support our authors.  The publishing business is hard.  And they create these amazing worlds and characters we all.love.   And for them the creation process is amazingly complex with first drafts and then edit after edit.  Some people get really nasty about these amazing works of creation.  And I understand that, too.  I love the main characters in my books.  They are like friends who I visit with every time I read the book.   And I hate some of the things that happen.  In a way even the violently negative feedback is a compliment to the author.  But why should they keep spending 6-8 hours a day writing for us if we just bitch about it.  Why do the work of edit after edit?  

I am making a stand.  Laurell K Hamilton won’t publish when her next book will be out or which series it will be.  Why should she? Her fans will wail and whimper.  If she just publishes it and tells us after the last draft is finalized, she gets to bypass all the people mad when she misses a date!  And poor Karen Chance, who keeps trying to put out book 8-but the book is too long for paperback.  And then there’s the other stuff she writes.  Freebie’s that are hard work for her but taken as though they are due to the readers.  Ever since Karen published Book 7, with delays, she has been working hard to give us a good book 8.  And what do the readers do? Some of us go back and reread.  Look for all the nuances we keep missing in the race to find out what happened.  And then another group gets vocal-and trashes Karen Chance for missing publicized release dates.  Rather than doing that, I’m doing the opposite.

I am going to support my favorite authors.  I don’t care how long I have to wait for the next installment.  I’m going to send them messages, asking questions about the books I have.  I’m going to reread, and laugh and cry and scream and yell.  I’m going to write new reviews, new FAQs, new posts.  I’m going to do whatever the hell I can to make sure I get to know how the stories end.  I will write petitions.  I will beg,  plead and cajole.  I will help the next Kit Colbana book be made by sending money on Patreon.  And I will appreciate the freebies, the alternate POV, the deleted scenes.  I am doubly supportive of the authors I love who have prepublished schedules and put out surprise books too! I love Jenna Black and Lauren Dane and Seanan Mcguire and Kelley Armstrong and Christine Feehan.  But I will keep on supporting everyone…
